mobile call from the other side?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Ok so I'm a bit freaked out and a bit comforted too.

Last night me and OH went out, Jack was staying with MIL and FIL. We were sat in their living room all ready to go and my phone starts ringing. I look and screen says 'mam calling' with her number underneath. Some of you may know from previous posts that I lost my mam to cancer :( I didn't dare answer I just flung the phone at my OH and he was obviously shocked too :shock: The call ended anyway.

I had the number disconnected not long after my mam died, I know that after 6 months it gets given to a new customer but why would they have my number :doh: :?

so only explanation I can come up with is my mam was giving me a sign? She loved her phone, we used to call all the time. I even put her mobile in with her when she was laid to rest.

I've never ever in my whole life had any kind of experience like this. I do believe in afterlife but also cynical as to 'signs' and I look for a normal explanation but I really can't think of one for this. :?
oh wow :shock:
thats shocking but i'd be comforted :)
god I hope you all don't think i'm a fruit loop - I know it sounds crazy but really I'm normal :lol:
OMG that is freaky :shock: You must be well shaken up :hug: :hug:

Something similar happened to my OH the other day. His phone beeped to say he had a missed call so he looked (while he was driving :roll: ) and it said missed call from 'Grandad'. My OH nearly crashed the car because his Grandad passed away over a year ago :shock: It turns out that MIL uses the phone as a spare.
natalie&jake said:
OMG that is freaky :shock: You must be well shaken up :hug: :hug:

Something similar happened to my OH the other day. His phone beeped to say he had a missed call so he looked (while he was driving :roll: ) and it said missed call from 'Grandad'. My OH nearly crashed the car because his Grandad passed away over a year ago :shock: It turns out that MIL uses the phone as a spare.

god he was lucky not to crash! I think if that call had come through when I was driving I'd have went straight into a lamp post!
Wow that is kind of shocking but lovely at the same time. Lovely to think it really was a sign from your mum!
:hug: :hug:
Awww, kinda freaky but nice!
My mum had something similar a week after my dad died. The song he had played at his funeral was one of the songs he always used to sing on the karaoke. After he died my my decided to put the song on as her ring tone but after a couple of days the name of the song changed to 'ITS I'. Really freaked her out! I know it can probably be explained away but it still makes you think.
ooohhhh got goosebumps now
my best mate was knocked over and killed in april and her phone was switched off and contract cancelled about 2 weeks after but still now and again my oh picks up her blue tooth it really freaks us out xxxxxxxx
I believe it was a sign from your Mum..have you been worried about her, or sad that she's not with you for Christmas? Cause it could be her letting you know she's fine and not to be sad. :hug:
poppy160 said:
I believe it was a sign from your Mum..have you been worried about her, or sad that she's not with you for Christmas? Cause it could be her letting you know she's fine and not to be sad. :hug:

Poppy - Yeah I've been struggling lately, just with it being Jack's first Christmas and wishing she was here to share it, mixture of emotions really but difficult time. I do agree, I think she was telling me to keep my chin up! :hug:

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