
Rach beattie

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2017
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Went for what should have been my 12 weeks scan today to find out the baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks. Have to go back next week for an internal scan then they will give me a tablet to start the process. Will it just pass itself as it is only 6 weeks?
Hi, Im so sorry for your loss, I went though exactly the same thing in june, I went in at 11+5 for my scan and found out it has stopped growing at 6 weeks.
Two days later I started spotting, I opted for the D&C as I wanted to have mine tested. That was booked in for 4 days later, by that time It was starting to happen naturally but I still had the procedure.
The actual MC Before the procedure, wasn't too bad, It was like really strong period pains every 5 mins and the blood was thick and heavy, I don't know if thats what you want to hear? But it will pass, just keep a eye on the clots and if you're worried about anything get yourself to hospital x
Hi rachel i hope youre doing ok and so sorry again youre going through it. I found out at 10+3 that baby stopped growing at 8+3. Had no signs. Night before mva started to bleed a little which was a bit heavier the morning of mva. I still had procedure. Had no cramps at all and have now stopped bleeding 4 days after mva. Heavy-ish day one of procedure then light for 2 days with day 4 (today) pretty much stopped apart from tiny bit of pinkish dc when i wipe. I opted for mva as read sometimes have to have this as mm doesnt always work. Procedure was ok and not uncomfortable...but we are all different! We needed closure hence opting for mva as wasnt sure how long it would take. Midwife told me a lot of women start to naturally mc once theyve heard heart stopped. Look after yourself x
Like Melly said... I started to bleed 2 days after I found out, I'm convinced its becuase my body knew to let go,
Personally I didn't like the procedure, but I have a retroverted uterus and the procedure took twice as long and there were some complications, Knowing that now I wont go for the procedure again unless I can be knocked out! I really hope you get your closure soon. Its such a disgusting thing to have to go through.
Makesure you take time for yourself to cry and be bitter at the world. Its what helped me x
Its horrible, Remember you're not expected to be strong, So don't put on a brave face if you're not feeling it! xx
Lulla bell is right. Ive tried to put on brave face but have suffered later with being overly tearful. I think its harder when you havent told people like i hadnt as you almost have to pretend youre ok. I just have a good cry on way to work and then on and off in the evenings. I do feel better for it though afterwards.

Lulla bell.....did you ever have any night sweats after your mc's? Ive been having them pretty much since mc over night. Wake up several times feeling drenched! Urghh!

Rachel - enjoy a soak in the bath and a hug x
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I didn't no, I felt nothing, It was like I had no hormones at all!
We had told a fair few people as we had a scan at 6 weeks and we saw a heartbeat, Turns out it stopped growing the day after..... Just my luck!
I hated all the sympathy I was getting, People kept asking me how I was doing every 5 mins, it was driving me insane.
But Im glad some people knew, So they knew why I was being a miserable bitch x
I saw heartbeat at 6 + 5. I dont think i could cope with people feeling sorry for me but having said that, at times it would be good to speak to a good friend. This forum has been hugely helpful from start to finish. You can be as narky as you want here lol. X
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Thanks girls for the support it's just so crazy. It's not something u ever think will happen to u is it? I'm scared incase it happens again but I guess that's just life. Getting a Chinese and an early night I think x
Sounds hood hun. Maybe a glass of vino too perhaps? Take care xx
Feeling so impatient today just want my body to catch up and start the process. I no I only found out yesterday but I feel like my body is tricking me as not an ounce of pain still sore boobs. I feel like the longer it goes on it gives me hope even though I know it is over.
I felt the same. No cramps or bleeding. I thought theyd made a mistaken. I opted for mva as wanted it over to get some closure. Glad i did really. Im now cd5 and hoping to.ovulate in next 7-9 days all being well. Had tearful day yesterday as should have been 12 weeks and telling people. Feeling a bit more hopeful today. Its an emotional rollacoaster. Youll go through lots of different emotions over next few days but things will get a bit easier in time. I hope the process is not too drawn out for you x
Melly I'm seriously considering doing the same. Monday already feels so far away and after reading stories online it seems to be quite bad if it happens itself. Did they put u to sleep melly to have the procedure x
Hi rach, how are you feeling today? Hope youre okay? I had mva done with just a local anaesthetic as wasnt keen on GA. The only slightly uncomfortable bit was when she put speculum in and that was was because my cervix was "around the corner!". Couldnt feel procedure. But we are all different so others might feel cramps apparently which resemble strong period cramps for a few seconds towards the end of procedure.....i didnt so guess i was fortunate! (On some level?!?!) Have had intermittent light bleeding since and a few night sweats which i hear is normal as hormones leaving body etc. I chose mva as i thought we could ttc quicker than if mm or natural as you are not sure how long it will take to pass.also wanted some closure. Today (day 5 after procedure) having light bleed and a few af type cramps. Bleeding been a little heavier (not much more though) but think thats because ive just done a 6k run. Im going to do a hpt 1 week post procedure (fri) to see if lines are fainter and then maybe start to do opks early next week as really hoping i will ovulate 10-14 days post procedure. Ive done a ridiculous amount of reading about fertility, ttc, bleeding duration, ovulation etc etc i have found it a distraction which is bizzarre! Happy to chat anytime....i find being connected to others in similar situation really helpful as not told family, work or friends.its been hard pretending everything is ok at times. Look after yourself my dear x
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Melly I can't tell u how glad I am to have u to go through this with. ( I no it's not ideal for either of us but u no what I mean) I have a feeling it may be starting already as having bad back pain and some sharp pains. I'm scared about how long it will take and like u I want to ttc quickly. Ur support and advice has meant a lot and I hope we get to go on the journey again together. I'm at hospital Monday afternoon and also start my new job on Monday so it's all a bit manic. Unlike u I had told all my family and friends. In some ways it is easier as they are supportive but if one more person tells me it wasn't meant to be and at least I can get pregnant I will scream! We just told our 6 year old this baby wasn't ready but hopefully soon she would be a big sister :( x
Oh bless you and you little girl. I feel the same. Having someone to chat to whilst going through this i find really invaluable so thank you. Telling people seems to have had mixed blessings for you but hopefully overall positive. I also hope we get to go on the journey again together. I think if we were lucky enough to conceive quickly then we would both feel anxious for at least the first 12 weeks or once scan is out of the way. Having the support during this time wil be helpful as everyone around will be saying it will be ok. Dont worry. Try and relax and enjoy.but we will not be able to quite manage this. Hope im wrong but think it will be difficult. It sounds like you might have started....i hope its over with quickly for you. I was told i could change my mind at anytime about having the procedure. I also started to bleed the night before and they still did procedure. Glad ive had it done. The anticipation and uncertainty was worse than tbe procedure itself. Hope you have been reading all of the positive stories about fertility following mc and how many women become pregnant very feeling hopeful but know i will be gutted when i get my first bfn after mc. I need to try and stay patient.but like ive said previously that is not something im good at! X
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Hi melly I know what u mean it will be worrying next time around but fingers crossed things go to plan for us both. The pain has eased and no bleeding yet. Having a bad day so rang the hospital and have booked surgical management for Tuesday to get this over and done with. The positive stories sound amazing that I have read but I am scared to get my hopes up as like I am not a very patient person x
Are you opting for mva or d &c? Going to start a new job after that procedure is not great timing as you may not feel emotionally ready to go to work....can you ask to delay your start. I was lucky as had mva friday (dont work fridays) so had all wkd to recover but actually felt fine. In fact on the sunday we did a 6 mile hike in lake district! I found mva ok and so far bleeding hasnt been too heavy. On a more positive note i did read that pregnancy after a mc there is an 85% chance it will go to term without problems and only 5% of women have a 2nd mc in a row. I think its the uncertainty with not knowing when mc is complete that made me decide mva. Still bleeding a bit today but really hoping it stops soon. Didnt have night sweats last night so will do hpt fri to see if line fading. I just hope we can both catch quickly x
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O flip I'm not too sure? The leaflet they gave me said vacuum? I rang my new job and will be in on Thursday so hoping it all goes ok but they are very understanding. My goodness melly I r incredible to have done that already although I'm sure it helped to clear ur head a bit. I have been the same reading into all the things about pregnancy after but I guess what will be will be. Everyone is telling me to be positive about the internal on Friday as they might find a heartbeat as I never had a period just a withdrawal bleed on the 5th July but I got my positive on 10 August so there is no way I am only six weeks as that was 7 weeks ago x

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