
Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2015
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so its taken about 10days of brown dc to start red blood and today had bad pain all day and pouring blood. sorry tmi like i was weeing blood out i was worried i was hemerraging at one point. Then i passed a golf - tennis ball size sack i think it was a sack. still in pain now but not as much blood. Anyone ofay with mmc, this is my 3rd miscarriage the others weren't missed though and I bled for a week straight forward this one however hurts real bad, I would be 13weeks now and found out at 9weeks it had died at 6 weeks. so you can imagine its been in there yonks now :-( xx
Really sorry to hear about your loss Sarah and that you're in some pain. :( I had a missed miscarriage too and the brown discharge lasted a few weeks. I had to go for medical management in the end. I found out at about 9 weeks that baby was measuring about 6 weeks, so similar to you but hoped that the miscarriage would start on its own, which unfortunately it didn't. I must admit that there was a lot more blood and clots than I expected but after reading about the experiences of other ladies, this seemed quite normal. I hope you can have some closure now after passing the sac and hope that the bleeding stops soon. Take care of yourself and all the best for the future Xxx
So sorry for ur loss hun :(

I had a mmc too had the brown discharge thot i was miscarrying myself but nope i had to have medical management but when i passed the baby/pregnancy i knew about it the pain was really bad i was sweaty thot i was gonna pass out after i passed it the pain eased the bleeding lasted mibbe 3days then stopped but did appear wenever it felt like it

Here if u wana talk take care xx
i am in so much pain right now. im crying it feels like ny insides are been squeezed abd twisted. its horrible blood still coming i hope its gone after all this its like labour xx
The pain can be quite intense i think through it all i was numb it didnt seem real i was jus going thru the motions take some painkillers at least to help with the physical pain theres no painkiller for the emotional pain unfortunately it does get easier with alot of time it wont go away i found it totally changed me as a person im not the same person i was but its all for the btr im far stronger more determined extremely stubborm an i didnt put up with anyones crap before im even less likely to now

Take things at ur pace hun xx
Hi Sarah, sending you a big hug, I would ring your EPU and ask would they scan you to make sure everything has passed. Also explain your symptoms and they should give you advice and what to do. With both my MMC's I had a D&C as I'm based in Ireland this is recommended approach. I hope the bleeding eases today, look after yourself and if you feel unwell go into your EPU xx
Bleeding not as bad today, cramps still bad. Its still really painful I will be so glad when all this is over. I hate blood, I feel bad but I have explained to my husband I am not sure after 3 miscarriages I want to try again. I don't want to be in the same position again in a few years. I want to not have to worry about it all the time, and 9 months of this worry would drive me insane. I have a perfect two year old daughter, and I am grateful for that. I didn't think I would ever feel like not having more children but I do now. :( I am having a scan on the 6th November to check it has all gone. I am hoping after all this it has most certainly all been expelled. xx
I can honestly say that even after just one mc thats wat im spending this pregnanxy doing....worrying so i can understand wherd ur coming from it doesnt make u a bad person though hun ul go thru allsorts of emotions/thoughts/feelings xx

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