mixed race

my OH is mixed race scottish/cuban his mum being scottish his dad was scottish cuban also to but pretty dark skinned so who knows if this baby will be light or dark :) i dont mind either way
Yup. I'm Chinese and my husband is half English, half Ukrainian, so it could look like anything! Very intriguing stuff. I think my Chinese family also comes from all over China, even though my parents are from Hong Kong - my grandad looked Russian, or at least very northern Chinese, and my great grandmother, his mum, had blue eyes!! CANNOT wait to meet our LO. x
Ooh karen what a wonderful combo - a work colleague of mine was half-english/half-chinese and married a chinese girl and their babies were the most beautiful boys i've ever seen :)
Wow, think you ladies are going to have some amazingly beautiful children!
I'm the original heinz 57. My was Dad was asian and my Mum white. However on my mums side Ive got Irish, Scottish and Belgium roots (?!) too. My husband is white with some strong Irish roots too. He's got brown hair fair skin and brown eyes. I've got black hair, olive skin and brown eyes. DH has got an aunt with white blonde hair and blue eyes and I joked that it'd be funny if we had a little blonde baby and that I'd worry that people would think we'd stolen the baby :shock:. Anyway my son looks a lot like DH and has lovely chocolate brown hair however he's got slate grey eyes! I just assumed he'd have brown eyes like us, no idea where his eye colour had come from. He's only 10 weeks old do there's plenty of time for them to change still. And if I do say so myself I think he's very beautiful.
Ooh karen what a wonderful combo - a work colleague of mine was half-english/half-chinese and married a chinese girl and their babies were the most beautiful boys i've ever seen :)

Aw, Thanks, hun. I hope baby will be beautiful, but I'm sure I'll think he/she's beautiful whatever happens :)

I love these replies, girls. Can't wait to see your gorgeous LOs x
Aw thanks very much! Are u originally from Belfast?

I don't hate Belfast, I just hate the way some people want to live in the past and refuse to just live and let live.

Hubby and I make a stand sometimes, we wear our NI and ROI football tops while out together - we get some odd looks lol xx

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I'm from Londonderry (which in itself is a pain the the arse, because I can't tell people where I'm from without starting a bloody debate ... I normally say Portrush or something :roll:)
Lol omg the age old Derry/Londonderry debate.
I've had some problems from some people on his side, mainly his mum and a couple of his friends, but he told them in no uncertain terms that if they wanted him to choose they would be very disappointed. And everything seems to be ok now.
My family aren't religious at all so don't really care about any of that. Thankfully! X

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Hey jay jay , tweety I'm feel min very ignorant and uneducated right now. What is the situation, Protestants vs catholic ? Xxxxx

Apologies for any typos!
Hey jay jay , tweety I'm feel min very ignorant and uneducated right now. What is the situation, Protestants vs catholic ? Xxxxx

Apologies for any typos!

There are some very narrow minded protestants who don't like catholics for no reason other than they are catholic.
And there are some very narrow minded catholics who don't like protestants for no reason other than they are protestant.

Its shameful! There are good and bad people on both sides and I wish there wasn't a divide.

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I thought that was the deal. Just wanted to check. Its so sad in this day age folk can't put there differences asside! Xx

Apologies for any typos!
Ooh karen what a wonderful combo - a work colleague of mine was half-english/half-chinese and married a chinese girl and their babies were the most beautiful boys i've ever seen :)

Completely agree with this, some of my friends have mixed race children and they are some of the most beautiful children I have ever seen. Best of both.

Not to mention the amazing heritage that they have too.

Look forward to seeing some pics of your little stunners when they arrive.

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