Mixed race babies


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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Please do not take offence, I am just curious as someone tried to explain to me once and I didn't understand.

I am white and my fella is black; now a friend of mine said that if the father is black and the mother is white, the baby will be a darker half cast, if the mother is black and the father is white, the baby will be a lighter half cast.

Anyone know if this is bull or is there any truth?
Hello :wave:

That is not true. I am mixed race. Mum is white(blonde hair, blue eyes) and Dad is black. My brother and I are both fair really, we tan easy and once tanned often get asked if maybe Italian.

This is me with my OH

My godchildren have an afro carribbean mother and a white blonde haired father. Both of them look exactly like mum - v dark skinned, afro hair - not a touch of daddy in them :D
half of my family are mixed race, from black fathers and white mums, as well as the opposite, white fathers and black mums and to be honest you cannot predict what a mixed race child is going to look like, it's always a surprise! some of them came out really light with veru afro hair, others came out darker with softer hair, it's different for everyone. :D
I agree with laetitia85, you cannot tell what the baby is going to come out resembling the most until their born.
My friend is white and her children are a mixture of colour - there dad is black, and were talking african black here.And her kids are all a m,ixture of being very black to pale, they all have the same dad!

I hope i havent offended anyone by thw way i have put things, but its the best way to explain!
No offense taken, my other halve is reading this and poking me saying 'my baby is gonna be black'. He comes out with some funny things lol
Girls stop the political correctness! there's nothing offeding in what you are saying at all - it's ok to use the words black and white! :D
hey ladies, i ofton wonder what colour my baby is going to be. im black and my partner is mixed race ( half white and half malaysian). im qiute excited to know.
Finally some other mummies-to-be expecting mixed race babies!!

I posted about this a few months ago but there was hardly anyone else.

I am white and my husband is Nigerian. I am so excited to see what colour our son will be! It's kind of funny to think that I'm growing a baby that will have a totally different skin colour to me!!

But I agree with the others, that you really can't tell what colour the skin will be. Some mixed race babies have white skin with afro-carribean features, and some are really dark. It's going to be a nice surprise!!

I'll post pictures when he comes out cause I think I'm a little further on than most of you. Then you can judge for yourselves.

My other half is rather dark too.

He use to tell me that he had so much hair when he was born that the nurses had to shave his head a few hours after birth.

So I keep getting this image of a small baby with a massive full head of hair popping out lol

Sometimes I think 'will junior have anything of mine?' I'm a redhead, blue eyes and pale skin, my other half is Liberian and very dark.
laetitia85 said:
Girls stop the political correctness! there's nothing offeding in what you are saying at all - it's ok to use the words black and white! :D

Children's colouring is always a surprise tho - and yes there could be some of you Josephine. :D

Take my DS - I have v dark colouring (croatian heritage) his biological father had black hair, blue eyes and pale skin.

DS has blond hair (which goes a little darker in winter) brown eyes and paler skin than me that tans the instant it gets warm :shock:

My 4 sisters who are all fully biologically related have a mum with brown hair and blue eyes, and a dad with black hair and brown eyes

They have
auburn hair and green eyes
Blonde hair brown eyes
Light brown hair blue eyes
Dark brown hair, brown eyes

The fun of genetics :wink:
I just don't want my baby to have red hair :shock: it would look too wierd lol

I'm pink with brown spots!
libs said:
Children's colouring is always a surprise tho - and yes there could be some of you Josephine. :D

Take my DS - I have v dark colouring (croatian heritage) his biological father had black hair, blue eyes and pale skin.

DS has blond hair (which goes a little darker in winter) brown eyes and paler skin than me that tans the instant it gets warm :shock:

My 4 sisters who are all fully biologically related have a mum with brown hair and blue eyes, and a dad with black hair and brown eyes

They have
auburn hair and green eyes
Blonde hair brown eyes
Light brown hair blue eyes
Dark brown hair, brown eyes

The fun of genetics :wink:

Yep, you have to factor in the grandparents. In general, dark hair is caused by a dominant gene and blond/e by a recessive gene. Although you may show (your phenotype) as dark haired, you may be carrying a recessive gene for light hair (thus a genotype of one dominant and one recessive gene). If your partner is also carrying a recessive gene, then the baby could inherit both these recessive genes and show up as lighter.

Skin colour is much harder to predict because it is determined by more than one gene (so called polygenetic). If I recall correctly from A-Level, 6 genes are involved. Thus blending can occur. You can see this even where both Mum and Dad are of the same colour but different 'shades' - the resulting child may not have the same 'shade' as either of them.
It's very exciting wondering what your baby will look like.

Do we count as mixed race? My husband looks like Shrek?! But no-one's mentioned green?!!!
my girl friend is mixed race (dad was black mum was white) and her boyf is white. their daughter just looks white, you'd never guess her grandad was black, she even has blonde hair n blue eyes. but her complexion is really nice she looked glowing even in winter not pastey
My boyfriend is quite dark-skinned black with parentage from Jamaica & Barbados and I'm white with pale skin and brown hair (although I dye it blond!) - I'm so excited to see our baby. We joke that we hope he/she has my eyes, his nose and a combination of our hair (curly and dark but soft!)

Hehe, I do worry about the nose a bit as mine is a typical long caucasian nose and he has a typical wide afro-caribbean nose - combined = a massive nose???!!

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