Missing pills...


Active Member
May 23, 2008
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if you miss pills and you go to the doctors is there a way they can test to tell if you have been taking it or not ? xx
Well, apart from a pregnancy test :lol:

They'll just ask you if you've missed any
Oh thats alrite then just wondering because i wasnt to sure what they
do at the doctors if they test you with anything lol :oops:
Thank Youuu ! xxx
:think: why would it matter?! Surely you know if you have been taking it! Obviously if you fall pregnant then you haven't taken it properly at some point! The doctors don't care how you get pregnant they just find out if you are or not.

Taking a stab in the dark- have you been deliberately missing pills and don't want someone (OH, parents etc) to know? If that is the case (and to anyone reading this who might be thinkng about doing the same thing)- PLEASE DON'T. My baby was an accident and I was lucky enough to have an OH who stood by me BUT I wouldn't have planned it without him wanting the baby too. It's not a toy- it's a new life with feelings and a personality. Imagine how you would feel if your Dad had been trapped into having you and you found out that it wasn't really what he wanted. It would hurt you- a child should have 2 loving parents (together or otherwise).
:talkhand: Just My Opinion :wink:
Jade&Evie said:
:think: why would it matter?! Surely you know if you have been taking it! Obviously if you fall pregnant then you haven't taken it properly at some point! The doctors don't care how you get pregnant they just find out if you are or not.

Taking a stab in the dark- have you been deliberately missing pills and don't want someone (OH, parents etc) to know? If that is the case (and to anyone reading this who might be thinkng about doing the same thing)- PLEASE DON'T. My baby was an accident and I was lucky enough to have an OH who stood by me BUT I wouldn't have planned it without him wanting the baby too. It's not a toy- it's a new life with feelings and a personality. Imagine how you would feel if your Dad had been trapped into having you and you found out that it wasn't really what he wanted. It would hurt you- a child should have 2 loving parents (together or otherwise).
:talkhand: Just My Opinion :wink:

Listen to Jade! She is the voice of experience!

You know what iv been floating around these forums and only normally post in first tri and a few others and i have noticed this too. R.lily and littlemisssunshine seem to both be doing the same thing. Its REALLY irresponsible thinking you are finacially and emotionally stable at 16 to have a baby. If its an accident (a real accident not just not taking pills here and there) and you decide to keep it you need alot of support and somehow you WILL manage but its really really hard. I know this from my best friend at school falling pregnant at 15 she had sex and the condom split and then took the morning after pill but it didnt work. That was it, she could never just do what she wanted ever again and we lost touch for a long while as i wanted to be a kid and she was at home 24/7 with a baby. She must have been very lonely.
I think its so immature (not sure if this is the right word) to think you can make this decision at this point in your life. You OH may or may not want a baby aswell, but i am pretty sure alot of 16 year old boys will run a mile when the hard work and no play kicks in. Thats the beauty of being a man (well boy in this case) they can run at the first oppurtunity and you will be left holding the baby-so to speak.

Edited to add, i'm not having a gripe at teenage mums in general. Im expressing my opinion on 15/16 yr olds who try to get pregnant deliberatly.
I agree with poochielove on this one. Its a different case altogether if one gets pregnant by accident. But TTC at 15/16 is a different case altogether. I don't believe its the right time as at that age you are still growing up yourself.
not a good idea to be missing pills hun... your OH won't forgive you.. just wait a few monre years, til you have your own place and a decent wage coming in to support the baby..

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