why would it matter?! Surely you know if you have been taking it! Obviously if you fall pregnant then you haven't taken it properly at some point! The doctors don't care how you get pregnant they just find out if you are or not.
Taking a stab in the dark- have you been deliberately missing pills and don't want someone (OH, parents etc) to know? If that is the case (and to anyone reading this who might be thinkng about doing the same thing)- PLEASE DON'T. My baby was an accident and I was lucky enough to have an OH who stood by me BUT I wouldn't have planned it without him wanting the baby too. It's not a toy- it's a new life with feelings and a personality. Imagine how you would feel if your Dad had been trapped into having you and you found out that it wasn't really what he wanted. It would hurt you- a child should have 2 loving parents (together or otherwise).

Just My Opinion