missing everyone


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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I miss Sarah already :cry:
I want her back here , but at least we will have lots to talk about

I also miss Amy wish she would come back and update us soon,

To Hayley and Louise i hope you girls , Owen and Keryn are doing great and that your getting your sleep

Willow how did everything go today?

I hope everyone else is ok as well. :D
xx Katrina

lol i must of been really tired this was meant to go in the teenage section which is why you guys prob have no idea why i put this here :oops: sorry
Katrina xxxx
Got your pm hun...have moved it for you!
aww hun im here... :D im missing sarah too... :hug: she'll be back in no time, dont worry :D

me & owen are doing great!! hes still sleeping well at night and hes just such a good boy!! hes perfect, cant imagine my life without him now!! hes 8 days old :shock: i love him so much :D :D im such a happy mummy!!

i miss amy aswell, havent heard from her in so long. hope her & carey are doing good... hope to hear from willow soon see how it all went... girls we're all thinking about you and hope to hear from u soon :hug:

love 2 you all... hayley & owen xxxxx
aww bless katrina! i know what you mean though, i'm missing sarah and amy too! :cry: its not the same without them is it!

really really pleased for you hayley, so cute how proud of your little boy you are. i'd be the same though, he's super cute!

im ok.. posted in the mc n loss section on how monday went
love willow xxx
im bck ur hearts can restart again
awww hayley hun im so happy ur happy (corny lol)
u deserve to be happy
how is hamish taking to owen

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