Missed miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
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I went for my 12 week scan today, imagining we would get some great pictures of the baby. It didn't turn out as I expected. The woman who did the scan found pretty much an empty fetal sack. The sack was the right size for a 13 week pregnancy. The baby stopped growing really early. Probably stopped at about 5-6 weeks but my body carried on developing as if I was still pregnant. I had no symptoms of a miscarriage - no bleeding, pain or discomfort. I had quite bad morning sickness from week 7 onwards. My boobs were bigger. Needless to say, I am completely shocked. I was told that a medical miscarriage would be best for me as I only have the lining and sack to get rid of. Has anyone had one of these? Do you think it is better than a D&C? Any anecdotes and guidance would help xx
:firstly :hugs:
I had a MMC before T, started to MC on my own but it all went a bit wrong over 4 days, by that point I just felt emotionally tortured so opted for a D&C (4 trips to A&E, 2 by ambulance). It is entirely how you think you can best deal with the immediate situation so you can then start to grieve, some wait for everything to start on it's own, needing time to come to terms with things, others opt for a D&C straight of... each has there pro's and cons. The Miscarriage association has heaps of literature online about each option x
Oh my lovely. Still can't believe it. Thoughts are with U . U know where I am babe if U need me. Xxx
I have no advice but I am thinking of you gorgeous lady xx
So sorry for you loss. I had mmc at 9 weeks, (referred to epu by private scan place). Baby had stopped growing at 7 weeks. I was given all 3 options and went for the erpc. Quick easy op, did have bad cramps 3 days after for about 3 days.

Take you time to consider your options and look after yourself.

I am so so sorry lovely :-( I had a mmc last may I had seen the hb at 7 weeks was so excited wen I went bk at 10 weeks the baby heart stopped week 7-8 I was devastated I had all the symptoms realy strong nausea sore bbs had no idea anything was wrong no bleeding either so bloody unfair I went for the erpc as I tried the medical the yr before with another mmc I had and it didn't work I was in horrific pain all say and bled a lot but no baby came away I would never do it again my body just did not want to let go of that pregnancy but I have heard it beeing ok for some and working no problem, hope u are ok lovely xxx
Oh I'm so sorry to hear this :( I remember writing on another thread of yours. I lost mine at 11 wks at the end of August. I had a ERPC but it sounds like it could be better for you to have the medical managed route. I was advised against only due to size of foetus, so had the ERPC but that was the easy bit. I have no experience of the medically managed route, but just wanted to say I'm sorry and hope you are coping ok. X
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Aww sweetheart I'm so sorry :( I don have any advice just wanted to say I'm thinking of you xxx
just wanted to say im so sorry i hope your ok and take care of yourself x
Im really sorry honey!!! All the above advice is all I could give. Take care! Xxxx
Really sorry to hear this, sending lots of hugs. Xxxxxxx
Hi twinkle_toes, I am so so sorry to hear about your loss :hug: I had a mc in July this year and opted for a D&C as I had 2 weeks of hell waiting for my body to let go - it wouldn't do it on its own :-( I have no experience of a medical miscarriage so can't offer any advice on that one. Thinking of you at this difficult time :hug: xxx
So, so sorry to read this!! I can never find the right words in situations like this...but am thinking of you and send you a massive hug xxxx
So sorry to hear your news twinkle toes. It must be a big shock after having no symptoms. :( I decided that I would go for the medical management as I wasn't keen on the idea of surgery at such an early stage of pregnancy (i was also about 6 weeks but had had some bleeding). I waited to pass the pregnancy naturally but this didn't go anywhere. I opted for the Medical management which I had on 25th September. I started bleeding almost immediately. I got reasonably bad cramps on the evening on the same day and passed the baby. Although it was quite grim to see, I felt better for having actually seen the evidence for myself. Just be aware that if you do go for this option, you may think that the bleeding has subsided but there may be further heavier bleeding with very large clots a week or so after the procedure. I only stopped bleeding/discharge last week and also had a course of antibiotics into the deal as well. I'm sorry if this is tmi but I couldn't find much info about ladies that had had he same procedure so hope you can make the right choice for what is right for you. In the meantime, big hugs. xxx
Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. It's a truly awful thing to experience :( big hugs.

I had the medically managed option when it happened to me. I was paranoid about scarring and ashermans syndrome so surgery was something I really didn't want to do. Though I believe it is quite rare all the same. I didn't find it too bad and if it happened to me again I would choose the same option.

I hope whatever you choose it is over quickly for you x
Ladies, thank for your caring and for the info you have given me. I phoned the nurse in the early pregnancy ward yesterday and she told me I didn't have to make an instant decision and booked me in provisionally for both procedures. I realised my hubby really needs to see the empty sac for his own grieving process so I am seriously considering the medically managed miscarriage. I am scared that it really hurts and I have no idea how my body will react to all the chemicals. We will see what I finally decide next week... xx
Ive had one.

having had laproscopic surgery too and just comparing the recuperation time and discomfort with medical versus surgical proceedures (although it was a different surgical proceedure),i would still say medical is the better choice for physical recovery.

Im very sorry for your loss.
The pain was pretty much like a bad period pain for me at a similar gestation. The hospital gave me some paracetamol and some codeine to help with any pain but I only used the paracetamol and a hot water bottle. For me the process was unpleasant rather than painful although there were more cramps after passing larger clots/tissue (sorry for TMI!). I had some closure once I had seen the sack an I think I would do the same thing if it happened again at a similar stage. You have to do what is right for you. Hopefully the experience of the lovely ladies on here and support you can get from the hospital and Miscarriage advice service can help you make an informed choice. I wish you well, whatever you decide. xxx
Hi twinkle toes. Sorry to hear about this. I had exactly the same in July. I had the op. I wanted it over but that's personal. It's so upsetting that u think all is well and it's not, it's scary. Sorry again xxx

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