Missed Miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
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Hi Everyone :wave:

I have recently has a missed miscarriage, which I found out to my horror :shock: :shock: when I went for my 12 weeks scan on 17th Jan.

I just want to let anyone who doesn't know this, as I was confused by this, that a blighted ovum is not the same as a missed-miscarriage.

After my scan, in which they just found a big pregnancy sac, my husband looked up 'missed-miscarriage' (which the doctors had written in my notes) in my Pregnancy Bible. The authors of the book lump 'blighted ovum' and 'missed-miscarriage' into the same description.

However, when I went for a second scan, they told me that if you have had a blighted ovum, a foetus has never developed in the pregnancy sac showing. However, as with my pregnancy, a foetus had developed inside the pregnancy sac and had probably died at about 6 weeks.

I still had to have an ERP...? as I had had no bleeding or pain at all.

Apparently they are two seperate conditions, and if I had had a blighted ovum, I may have had complications at a later date.

I wish books wouldn't do this.

Hi Zoe,

I really sorry, I hope your ok.

sending you lots of hugs, :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
sorry you are going through this :hug: :hug: :hug:

I had the same thing- mmc detected at my 12w scan.

Take care of yourself over the next few months and if you need to talk we are here :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: shame the doctors can't speak laymens terms to us......and even worse when they get the facts wrong...... Many ladies including myself have had MMC, It's hard enough to deal with without confussion,
:hug: You take care of you doll, I am so sorry for your loss, Lv Yvonne xx
ah hun i hope your ok :hug:

im so sorry for your loss, if you ever want to chat we are all here for you :hug: :hug:
hun im sorry for your loss i had mmc last year not a nice thing to go through if you need a chat just pm me :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know exactly how your feeling, I had a scan on the 16th Jan and there was no heartbeat was advised that baby had stopped growing at 7 weeks 5 days. This was my second miscarrage and after having a D+C was told I have RHD negitive blood, was given an anti D injection. I looked stuff up on the internet and it was saying that it's important to have this shot after miscarriage as could affect future pregnancys. I then thought that this was the reason for my 2nd loss as was not given a shot after the 1st one. In fact it does not affect you unless you miscarry after 12 weeks.
It would be helpful if this was explained to you as you are left feeling totaly lost and confused.

We'll get there in the end

Jen x
hi i had a missed miscarriage at 5 weeks a few years ago and i discovered that if a miscarriage happens before 8-9 weks they call it a blighted ovum because in technical terms the embryo does not become a feotus then. (apparantly) i was told this because my doctor upset me when i asked for medication for depression because he sed you didnt lose a baby it was an embryo!!! (like it matters!!!) don't know if this is true or they were just fobbing me off so i didnt take a complaint any further. i agree tho medical books should be clearer. sorry for your loss hun. xxxxxx
Hi Zoe,

I had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks last August (my baby would have been due next Tuesday, 20th Feb). Like you I had no pain and no bleeding etc., and had to have an ERPC.

You will go through a range of feelings for quite a few months to come probably.

I had to leave the boards for a while after losing my baby as it all upset me a bit too much.

There are so many wonderful, strong ladies on here who will be more support to you than you would imagine.

Take care

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