Missed Miscarriage?


Active Member
May 10, 2011
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I am new to the forum so hopefully posting in the right section.

I went for my 12 week scan yesterday and they detected no heartbeat and the the foetus only measures 8mm, equivalent to 6-7 weeks. They have arranged another scan date for a weeks time as this is the first time they have scanned me and they want to be sure. I asked if they have in the past if they have had anyone measuring so little and it turned out okay. The Midwife replied that sometimes its okay and sometimes not. I am not holding out much hope to be honest as I know it should be a lot bigger. Has anyone been in this situation and it turned out okay?

If its not okay, how long did it take to get your period back to normal after a D&C and how soon can I try again?

Any help is appreciated.

I am so sorry to hear your news. Stay positive, things could still be ok.

I had a missed miscariage on the 18/04/11 baby measured 8w + 3d, should have been nearly 12.
I opted for midical managment and only had to take first set of tablets, they did the job. I bleed for 5 days after, could have been alot worse.

I do not have any info about D&C but there are lots of girls who have been through it on here that i sure will give you lots of helpful info.

If you want to ask me anything else please feel free xxx

Take care of yourself xx
Thank you Beckyjane for your quick response. It is comforting to know that many people go through this and that I am not alone in what I am feeling.

I actually had a really bad feeling 3 weeks ago when my symptoms went away but they returned last week again like breast tenderness and nausea.
I'm sorry you're going through this hon x I had missed miscarriage 4 years ago. Went for 12 week scan and found no hb and baby was measured at being 10 weeks. I opted for d&c. It's not physically painful (or at least it wasn't for me) and it was over quickly. Emotionally it took me a long time to feel ready to ttc again. :hug: hope you're ok x

I really hope everything is ok for you.

I found out I had a missed miscarige at a 12 week scan last May. I opted for a d&c which I found fine. I bled for around 2 weeks then had my first period exactly 4 weeks after the d&c. I personally felt ready to ttc again straight away and everytihng went fine and I got my BFP 2 months after the d&c.

Good luck

So sorry you're goin through this hun.

I had MMC on 14/1/11 and subsequently had d&c on 17/1. I only bled for couple of days. AF visited 23 days after d&c (beware she came with a bang!!) and has been fairly regular since. We started trying after 1 cycle, to be sure of dates, and although still no BFP am determined to keep trying and hopeful that will fall pregnant soon.

All the best and hope everything turns out better for you. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks to all who have replied with your kind words, it really means a lot. You have all made me feel positive after reading your posts because they have shown that although its hard now, you were all strong enough to come through it which gives me hope.

I know its early and I still have the follow up scan but I am in no doubt that the D&C will be emotionally draining for me and my Husband but feel that I would try to conceive again once my period gets back to normal.

All the best to all of you x
One thing I can tell you is that although emotionally draining the mmc and subsequent d&c really brought DH and I much closer. Anyone who knew us before would have said that that wasn't possible as we've always been a strong couple but we would both agree that the events of this year have just completely bonded us. :)
So sorry you are going through this hun, i had a natural mc at the end of jan my period returned after bout a month. FX its good news for you xxx
Really sorry you are in this position and hope that your scan turns out ok! I echo eveyone elses thoughts with regards to it being tough but you do get through it!
I had a MMC in sept 10 and it was the same story no heartbeat and foetus only measured 8wks approx. I went for the D&C and it was fine, no pain or anything and only bled for two days. I found after that I just felt like getting on with it and kept myself busy. We started trying after 2 cycles and got preg straight away and I'm now 23 wks! (although was so paranoid for first 16wks)
It does affect you and you'll never forget but I just tell myself it was meant to be, and I agree with Dawn above, it really brought us closer.
Hope all works out for you, all the best
Hi Jo.1,

Thank you for your reply, it is very reassuring that you have been successful in conceiving again. Can I ask how your pregnancy was managed as I am worried that I conceive again and then suffer the agony of going through the heartbreak again at the 12 week scan?
Hi brit girl.

I know you didn't ask me but I will answer your question anyway. After I conceived again I was given an early scan at about 9 weeks to put my mind at ease. Everyone was really lovely and the sonographer kept the screen turned away from me until she confirmed everything was ok. I got my early scan through my doctor but you can also call your local early pregnancy unit to get an early scan.

Good luck with everything

So sorry Hun, I had a MMC at 11 plus 5 weeks in march last year and baby dated at about 9 weeks ish, with no HB. I had started to Miscarry the night before my booked in D&C and lost too much blood ,but then had the D&C anyway the next morning as it hadn't sorted itself out, but D&C was all fine and no pain atall after. I bleed lightly for 2 weeks and then peiod came back after 28 days from D&C date. It did change my cycle slightly and I ovulated a good few days later than normal so think I missed the lucky fertile window first month of trying , but then fell next month so was really lucky.

Hope the D&C goes smoothly if you need it, make sure you take some you time after and refresh ready for when your ready to TTC again X
Hi catty1,

Your thoughts and opinions are more than welcome. I would hope that if I conceive again, I would also get an early scan although it wont stop me worrying lol.

Hi JJ Mum,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience. I have already spoken to my Boss and informed him that I will be off for the D&C and a few days recovery as I have still to get my other scan next week and not expecting any change. The Midwife said that I would get the D&C the day after or the next after the scan.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that the D&C goes well and my cycle gets back to normal fairly quickly.
Sorry for being a pain but can I ask you all something which may seem silly? Do I still continue to take my folic acid each day?
I kept taking mine as I planned to ttc again straight away.

I hope it all goes well for you. No matter what anyone says to reassure you, you will always worry. That's what will make you a good mummy when you get your buba.
Hey, yes I was given a scan at 8 weeks aswell as 12. It is such a horrible nervous time but its hopefully it will all work out for you next time.
If the doctors don't offer an early scan you should really push for it xxx
I have also been told i can get a reassurances scans the next time i conceive.... just hope its soon.

Take care Britgirl 05 and any other questions feel free to ask, the support from this forum is amazing in dark times xx

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