Missed miscarriage or blighted ovum?


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
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Hi girls.

Sadly I had it confirmed today that I lost baby :(

I'm a bit confused as to what actually happened tho so wondered if some of you could explain?

I was 10 weeks Monday when I started to see brown discharge, then cramps Tuesday then small amounts of blood on and off for the rest of the week. So at the scan today they couldn't see anything so I had an internal. She told me 'unfortunately I don't see a baby there' She couldn't tell me when/why/how because, as she put it, it was just 'muck' there (yes, she actually used that word, she said there's no technical term but I'm pretty sure 'retained products' would have been slightly nicer)

Anyway, I asked a million questions, even if I was ever actually pregnant, and she said yes but it looks like baby never developed. She could see the sac there and the 'muck' left over just no actual baby. But then she said it could have happened 6 weeks ago, could have happened last week, we will just never know. Which confused me because if baby never developed, surely it happened 9-10 weeks ago??

I've got to go back for more bloods next week (had some taken today) and another scan in two weeks to checked I've passed it all..

I know it's not important and these things just happen sometimes but I'd really like to understand exactly what happened. Maybe I never will but thought if anyone would know you ladies would.

Either way it's the most upsetting thing that my body tricked me for 10 weeks :(

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Aw hun, I'm so sorry for your loss.

If it helps, it sounds like what happened to me, which was a blighted ovum. They explained to me that the fertilised egg embedded as it should and the placenta started to develop, but my body knew that the embryo was never going to be able to develop (apparently, it is normally caused by a chromosome abnormality). They said I was pregnant, but unfortunately the baby never developed. I got to my 12 week scan and she saw an empty sac. I had started spotting a few days before (last Saturday) and the mc happened naturally on Wednesday. In between, it looked more like a period, then the mc followed. I know what you mean about your body tricking you. I was starting to develop a bump, I had pregnancy symptoms and was ready to tell everyone :-(.

I hope this helps. I'm sorry she used the word 'muck'. That's terribly disrespectful and insensitive. I hope you're ok. I understand what you're going through. I wish no one ever had to go through it. It's the worst thing that's ever happened to me x x x
Hi I'm sorry for your loss such an awful thing. I was 13 weeks and saw my baby on a scan at 15 weeks no heart beat so doc sent me for a scan just to check and like you ended up an internal one and all they could see was a lot of blood and clots so muck I guess. She said no baby in there. I'd had bleeding a week before but not enough for a baby to come away. I ended up having an erpc during which my tiny baby was removed. The doc said baby was so tiny and hidden by all the blood and clots and that's why couldn't be seen on a scan. So I'd say mmc. If a blighted ovum you would of just had a sac and not all the muck as she called it on the scan. Again I'm so sorry and I'm here if you want to talk xxx
Thanks so much.

I'm sorry for your losses too :(

Sounds very similar to both! The lady said lots of blood and clots in the sac but couldn't see any baby at all so said it must never have developed in first place.

Such a horrible horrible thing to go through so I'm grateful you ladies are here for support.

Oh I had another question- do they automatically update everything or will I need to get in touch with midwife? I've not had my 12 weeks scan date through yet and wondering if its already in the post-wont be very nice when I receive that!!
When I was in hospital they cancelled everything for me but I got a scan date through last week :/ some times wires get crossed I guess hospitals are busy places. I had lots of blood and clots and they just couldn't see baby. So it might still be there. Just be prepared just incase it is xxx
Lilmisshopeful, yes having lots of blood and is getting painful now :( They measured what was there but I wasn't concentrating on that at the time so no idea how much.

I'm worrying about getting my scan date through-they said I should have it by today (had my booking in app over two weeks ago and they said 10 days from that) so assuming it may come tomorrow? They took my maternity notes anyway so maybe they'll deal with it for me.

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You will probably get it as will cross in the mail kinda thing. Yeah they measured mine too the size of the clots ect. They took my notes too and I didn't see them again until the day of my op when they filled it all in. It's such a hard thing to have to do but you are stronger than you think and you will get through this xxx
so sorry to read you are going through this!

I too had a mc at 10 weeks! I started brown spotting at 10+2.......before this I had, had symptoms from 6 weeks, but from 8 weeks they had started to go and by 10 weeks i had normal energy levels, no nausea etc! and was already having trouble convincing myself that all was ok! so when the spotting came it just confirmed my fears really! That was a Friday, so i went to GP and they got me a scan appt but not until the monday - so had weekend to go.......brown turned to red on wiping, then a little more and more throughout the weekend - Sunday evening I started flooding blood and passed clots everytime i went to the toilet - I did look at what I was passing and saw nothing that looked like what a 10 week baby should........went for my scan the next day and they confirmed uterus empty - no sac, no retained products - nothing! just an area of bleeding (like where placenta came away etc)....but seeing as they had never seen the pregnancy in the uterus I had to have blood tests to make sure hcg came down, but they put it on my notes as pregnancy of unknown location!!! My hcg came down very rapidly.

So as I never saw a baby on scan or saw anything pass I too still wonder if it was ever there or if it passed away very early and there wasn't much left after the weeks passed. sorry tmi

you may never get an answer to what happened - but even if there was never a baby, you are grieving for what was meant to be and what you thought was going to be.
Hey Iwant3.

I'm sorry for your loss too, its pretty much exactly what happened to me, I just got my scan earlier :(

I think that's what's making me more upset, the not knowing. I had bloods taken to check levels were going down too. I asked if my bloods from booking in app would show anything but no, that's not what they check for (which I think is silly to be honest, they are checking for all these things that could be problematic but the one thing they don't check is if you are actually still pregnant!!)

My symptoms had disappeared too, I posted a thread earlier in the week. I never had any sickness anyway, but had sore boobs and was really emotional then all of a sudden nothing. Just felt 'normal'

I'm now going through all the motions of 'was it my fault?' etc etc. I know it wasn't but I keep thinking of before I knew I was pregnant (found out at 6+1) I'm not a heavy drinker at all but we'd had a BBQ and I was drinking a few beers and smoking (gave up smoking the day i got bfp)
It's just the not knowing is driving me nuts and I'm thinking all sorts :(

Hi mrsL, so sorry for ur loss. I had a mmc in June 2011, at 11 weeks. Similar sort of story to u, I found out at 6 weeks but I had brown spotting throughout the whole time on and off. Doctor told me that because it was brown, wasn't heavy and I wasn't in pain everything was fine. I went to my booking appt and the midwife was concerned about the bleeding so I had a scan booked up. Had a very inconsiderate sonographer as I wasn't even in our epu, who told me she couldn't see anything in the sac. I was told the sac was the size of a 5 and a half week pregnancy and there was a tiny yolk sac but nothing else. I miscarried naturally 2 weeks later as they wouldn't do the op or medical management until I had a follow up scan to check it hadn't grown any more and I had just got my dates wrong!

I also got my scan date letter through the post after this and I had to phone my midwife and tell her as she didn't know and cancel my next appt with her, so expect to maybe get a scan letter through. Big hugs and remember to talk about it as much as u want, I found this really helped. xx
So sorry for your loss, i miscarried at 11 weeks (thought i was 13 but nurse told me baby was size of an 11 weeks) and i saw a wee mini baby, their was alot of very large clots first then next day a very small around 2/3 inchs baby shaped thing came away could make out arms, legs ect i think seeing that made me worse i just sat staring at it for a while before calling nurse (was kept in hospital due to blood loss), but i thought id get over it by tryin again and now i have my daughter but still never forget and never will, but im a true believer in things happen for a reason (sorry if that sound patronizing), and wish you luck for the future :) x

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