Misscarrying and Numb *EDIT: Did NOT Miscarry


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2018
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I’m only 5 weeks pregnant. I have been spotting here and there since I found out I was pregnant. My first HCG blood test came back at 1943 and I was so excited. My second one just came back at 1503 and I woke up to some blood when I wiped. I don’t know what to do now. I’m devastated and angry. Do I go to the doctor? What did I do wrong? What happened? Is it my fault?
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Oh hun I am so sorry to see this!

Please don't think this is anything to do with anything you have done, eaten or anything like that :-(

First off i would go and see the doctor and have this confirmed, massive hugs hun :hugs:
Hey this also happened to me last week. Lots of cramps than miscarried but I had to have an op as they thought it was ectopic. I also blamed myself for everything I have done. I started backtracking but seriously it doesn’t help. It’s soooo hard and I am still mourning I went through so many emotions. I still can’t be happy fully. My heart is broken. Go to the doctors and get it checked out. Lots of ��
I'm so sorry, this is awful news. But you cannot blame yourself, you have done nothing wrong :( sending all my love your way
You guys. I feel so dumb right now. But I read the test wrong. It was 15,028. Not 1,503. I'm so sorry. I feel like an idiot. Although, I have been spotting this morning.
You guys. I feel so dumb right now. But I read the test wrong. It was 15,028. Not 1,503. I'm so sorry. I feel like an idiot. Although, I have been spotting this morning.

Honestly dont apologise! Thats the news we all want to see,
Dw about spotting if your numbers are rising that much!
I know two women that are currently pregnant that have a big bleed every month, they are both 20+ weeks and are doing fine x
I’m so glad things are looking like they are still working out for you :) everything crossed x
It's normal to spot at 5 weeks...it's usually implantation. If you are worried you should be able to call your local EPU for advice. x
I'm not surprised you read the test wrong with you being half asleep as those numbers rose so much so quickly. Fantastic news :) I'm so so glad you were wrong. Try not to worry about the spotting - sometimes it just happens
Thanks you guys. It's been a roller coaster this morning for sure! I just need to take it easy now and trust that everything will be fine.

Maximus, I'm thinking of you. I got a little sneak peak on how it might feel and it's very heavy. I still can't imagine how you feel though and I hope that you get your rainbow baby when you're ready to try again *hugs*
I'm. Glad it's all worked out. I spotted right the way through both my pregnancies due to a 'irritable uterus'
Hey always coffee,

Really pleased to see you read the numbers wrong. Hope everything continues to go up in the right direction!

Some women spot, others don't. It's really hard to read anything into it.

Take care xx
How far apart were those blood draws? Those are some insanely high numbers, like more than double what they should be. Must be more than one baby in there :p hehe
Glad you're not miscarrying!
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Glad to see your hcg figures are all heading in the right direction :)

In terms of the spotting, while it's very common for women to spot in pregnancy, it should never be considered normal. I'd give your gp a call or better still the early pregnancy unit (if they'll allow self referral) and see what they say.

How far apart were those blood draws? Those are some insanely high numbers, like more than double what they should be. Must be more than one baby in there :p hehe
Glad you're not miscarrying!

Thanks! I had the tests done 5 days apart, so I think it should be normal, right? hehe
Glad to see your hcg figures are all heading in the right direction :)

In terms of the spotting, while it's very common for women to spot in pregnancy, it should never be considered normal. I'd give your gp a call or better still the early pregnancy unit (if they'll allow self referral) and see what they say.


Thank you <3

I called my doctor and they said not to worry unless it's bright red and I'm cramping. She said it's very normal during the first trimester. I live in the USA so we don't have a pregnancy unit. Not sure what that is. hehe. I have my first appointment next Thursday to check everything out <3
Even for 5 days apart, those numbers rose significantly! Doubling very fast... I have to admit I thought twins too! :)
Even for 5 days apart, those numbers rose significantly! Doubling very fast... I have to admit I thought twins too! :)

Dang!! That would be crazy, I'll find out at 9 weeks if it is or not! <3
Hi girls.

Just looking for some advice and insight seems this is my first pregnancy.
I found out this week I’m 5 weeks, this week I started getting some light pink when I wiped. Been to the gp and I have a scan on Monday but she doesn’t think it’s anything to worry about. Then today I’ve started bleeding heavier and RED. I’m still having sickness (because apparently my body just wants to be sick 24/7) and my boobs are still REALLY sore. Any ideas whether it could be m/c that I’m preparing myself for?

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