Miserable :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2012
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I have had pelvic pains and sharp pains in my crotch since 19 weeks now, they treated me for UTI but still no better. So went to physio last week- she said my pelvis was tilted and pushed back and I had curvature of spine all because of weight of baby and my leg being longer than other. Been doing exercises but just getting worse and worse. Monday was awful and yesterday AM I fell down and it hurt even more. The pain is constant now with sharp pains when I move even when sitting down and can't do my exercises as laying on my back to do them is just awful. Driving today in tears the whole time as hurts to change gears. Can't stop crying.

Got sent home early yesterday but managed to get through today with lots of crying but don't think I can do anymore. So scared they are going to sign me off for 4 weeks and then maternity will start automatically and I will have hardly any time with baby other end.

Rang midwife yesterday but she said she wasn't concerned as same pains and physio just doesn't help some people is what she said. Have text her again today as really scared all this stress and crying constantly is harming baby. Hate texting her as have been in and out of doctors with bleeding, uti, pains, thrush, suspected rupture membrane and now this and feel like a pest.

I am hoping to see GP or midwife tomorrow and be signed off for two weeks and see how I go but i just see no light at end of tunnel, no idea what any one can do and just see 13 weeks of pure hell ahead of me!

I feel aqwlful cause sometimes i think I just want her out now! Which I hate thinking as she could die if that happened and why would I want that! Just wanted to rant I am just so miserable, irritable and irrational my poor OH has hayfever and if he sniffs I slap him!

Sorry girls! xx
Aw Hun, that sounds horrendous. I'm sorry you're feeling so rubbish but if u have to be off and it's the best for u and baby then u should. You'll just feel worse if u carry on :(

Hope u feel better soon Hun xxx
aw Bubbles you poor thing, sending you lots of hugs. It is bloody miserable being in pain.

Have you been given a SPD diagnosis, as it sounds like that is what you have. You must not feel guilty about speaking to your midwife, that is what they are there for, and they won't judge you for needing their help. It sounds like you need to look at pain relief options, and more physio to help you cope.

Don't push yourself to work either, as it sounds like you really need some rest! xx
Thanks girls. Yeah think it is spd. Going to go to gp and see if I can get a bit of time off and then talk to my manager about how I can cope at work. I am a family support worker so lots of driving and run baby groups so setting up toys, tidying them up, sitting on floor, making tea and snack and getting up and down a lot. I just can't see light at end of tunnel and what can help. 13 more weeks just seems like forever!!! Hope gp can do something anyway but they can be pretty useless. Xxx
Unfortunately I think SPD is just one of those things that you can't really do much about, and too much activity will make it worse. Is going on early maternity leave an option for you?
Poor you that sounds awful! Hope you get a bit of time off work, and the doc can help x
Yeah I can leave earlier if I need too. Need to give 28 days notice. Upsets me that I will have less time with baby the other side but then it might just be best thing for me and baby. See what gp thinks tomorrow. Xx
Yeah I can leave earlier if I need too. Need to give 28 days notice. Upsets me that I will have less time with baby the other side but then it might just be best thing for me and baby. See what gp thinks tomorrow. Xx

Good luck today. x
Well I'm being chicken. I have come into work today and just going to take it easy and see how I go. I hate going to doctors and last time I went they just palmed me off with paracetomol and its growing pains. Midwife hasn't text back either. I just see how I go.... Xx

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