Miscarriage sadness


Aug 28, 2012
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Hi Everyone
I hope people don't mind me writing - I am after some advice and possibly some reassurance.
I have miscarried twice in the last 5 years - both times I didn't know I was pregnant and around 6 weeks gone. I am aware people go through far worse than this, but particuarly with the second miscarriage i was very upset.

I have recently got married and we plan to start trying in the New Year. I am so happy and ready to try but I've only just started a new job so thought I should wait a few months.

At the weekend I got my period and it was agony - I never have heavy or painful periods and count myself very lucky. But this month was horrific and i've had two days of real uncomfortable pain and heavy bleeds. It took me right back to the feeling I had when I miscarried and my friend pointed out that I 've been saying I've been tired, and nauceous the last few weeks so perhaps, given my history, i should go to the doctors. I did so last night and she was incredibly kind. We did a pregnancy test which was negative and she was very apologetic but said we simply wouldn't know if it was another early miscarriage or if it was an out of the blue overly heavy period. I don't know how to deal with this really - I feel like I should kick myself up the backside and get on with it - women go through far worse than this but I do feel a bit sad today even at the prospect.

Again, I hope my writing is ok - I wanted to get it off my chest and see if anyone had any advice?

Thanks again
Hiya I'm real sorry about ur losses I have also had 2 this past 16 months one early at 5.5 weeks other was at 10 weeks both times were a missed miscarriage and I needed an erpc to remove both, just wandered were u late for her period this time ? It could be a chemical pregnancy as ur preg test was negative and I think with an early mc after 5 weeks ur hcg levels would have still showed on a preg test for around a week after the bleeding I think but not 100percemt sure of that I had positive preg tests for 5 weeks after my latest mc but with a chemical pgnancy the test goes negative right away after the bleeding starts that's y most woman don't even know they had one as. It's woman don't test before af is due unless they are ttc and tracking there cycles hope that all makes sence and I wish u luck for the future xxx

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