Miscarriage sadness but relief of having answers


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Aug 25, 2018
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It took until 8 weeks after AF for me to get a very faint BFP. Unfortunately we lost our baby yesterday at what would have been 9weeks +5.

My GP wasn't particularly interested when I had an appointment last Thursday saying I had only just had my BFP, he simply said it's early days yet and to return in a few weeks. I took a clear blue digital the next morning which said 1-2 weeks so alarm bells rang as surely it should've been further along being almost 9 weeks since last AF. Rang the GP to explain this and voice my concerns, yet again he basically quoted a text book on how things can go wrong in early pregnancy and to come back in a few weeks once it had established more.

I had a tiny bit of spotting the following Monday morning, no pain or discomfort. Spoke to local EPAU who said they would be happy to see me but I would need GP referral. Unable to get through to GP I ended up stranded. Not sure if it was due to exhaustion from my 2yo being ill and keeping me up all night the night before, hormones all over the show or just anxiety but I spent the day in floods of tears unable to snap out of it.

Tuesday morning I woke up feeling the dreaded shadow of AF looming over me. Went to the loo during the day to find fresh blood on wiping so immediately presumed I was miscarrying. Soon after had full on bleeding heavy AF style. Visited a walk in EPAU 12 miles away who were amazingly reassuring and explained that although miscarriage is a definite possibility some women do have a show of bleeding during a healthy pregnancy. They took a blood sample and did an internal examination. The examination showed that the neck of my womb was closed well which I was told was a good sign but there was also a lot of blood.

I got a phone call later that evening to tell me the blood test results had come back and my HCG level was 12 (should've been in the thousands). I now have to go back 48 hours later for another blood test as they need the HCG levels to be below 5 before they can discharge me from their service.

Although I am terribly sad to have lost this pregnancy I feel quite relieved to have answers and be able to move forward from it. Having 8 weeks of not knowing what was going on inside my body, whether we had successfully conceived or not was awful. My first pregnancy was so textbook with a BFP on the day of my missed AF, morning sickness and lethargy. I just felt there was something no quite right.

I hope this post hasn't made me sound like a horrible person, I just needed to write it down and share my experience in hope it may help others going through similar.
So sorry for your loss.

I wonder if you could switch to a new GP surgery? I just can't imagine my GP ever being that dismissive and unhelpful if I were in your position.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I have to agree though, it feels so reassuring and a weight lifted when staff keep you informed and properly look after you. I would definitely switch GP, whoever you saw sounds unprofessional and like he shouldn't be in his job!
Stay positive and keep smiling!
So sorry for your loss. I’ve just had a 2nd MC 2 cycles in a row. From reading your post you’ve given me the courage to write it down myself. You never know who you might help in addition to yourself xx
A gp who was since sacked from my doctors did this with my first pregnancy I was young and scared and it was unplanned. When I had the miscarriage he said I should be grateful as I was begrudgingly looking into an abortion. It angers me so much when I think about the language I used "my boyfriend wants me to have an abortion" and that doctor treated me as if I should have been thankful for the trauma and pain I was going through!

As others have said can you switch GPS? I have a wonderful doctor now who is always so caring and positive and I feel like she really listens to me!

Sorry you're going through this anyway! My 2nd miscarriage was a planned and very much wanted baby so I've kinda seen 2 sides of the coin and it's never a nice thing to go through

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