Miscarriage at 12 Weeks


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Hiya ladies

Well Im here unfortunately :(

I suffered a miscarriage at 12+2, and I know it sounds stupid but I really thought I was at the 'safe stage' (although I know theres no such thing but you know what I mean...)

Had a break off the forum but I feel ready to post and that, thanks so much to everyone who commented in the topic I made and pm'ed me, it really meant a lot.

I've just been feelin so guilty that at first I wasn't sure I wanted the baby and that. My ex has been so wonderful though, and were gonna try and give it another go so...

Thanks for listening xx
aww babe i'm so sorry :(

i felt guilty too after my miscarriage because i kind of wished it upon myself (only because that would be easier, as i'd been asked to have an abortion) my bf said he feels even more guilty than me because he didnt really mean it he was just freaked out. but it was neither of our faults, and it wasnt yours either. dont beat yourself up about it :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It's only natural to feel guilty. We wanted our two more than anything in the world and have been trying for what seems like forever(only a few months really) and I still felt awful because when that test came back + I was thinking "oh God what have I let myself in for".

You know it's nothing you did, it was just 'one of those things'. And that REALLY sucks that it was past the 12w stage as that is the major milestone I think that most people start telling friends and family etc etc.

Give yourself time to heal before you jump straight in again. I fell pregnant straight after my first m/c and lost that too, I reckon 'cos I was worrying so much and hadn't given myself enough time to recover from the first.

Thinking of you :(

Thinking of you and sending loads of :hug: your way. Take good care and give yourself time to grieve.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
So sorry for you loss, as I said in your other post sweetie.

Glad to see you back, and very best of luck trying again :hug: :hug: :hug:

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