miscarriage advice please


New Member
Dec 15, 2005
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I was 7 weeks pregnant and started spotting. I wasnt concerned it happened with my last pregnancy. 5 days later I bled heavily and it lasted 5 days with a bit of cramping. Always bright red with a few clots. It has eased a little now

I saw the doctor. Firstly she gave me a lecture about not using contraception (we were tryig to conceive! ) and was then curious as to how I knew I was pregnant. She seemed surprised you could buy kits. She didnt examine me send me for a scan or anything.

By now I had little faith in her so came away with questions unanswered, have I miscarried? do I need to do anything? would I expect to see anything other than clots.

Can anyone offer any advice please
What an odd doctor!! I would certainly see someone else, you need to know what's going on and only a properly trained doctor/midwife could give you the answers you need. Good luck and I hope you get to see someone who knows what they are doing. :)
you need to be referred by a doctor to the scan department so they could see if there is anything growing.
On failing that try another test, i have never lost a baby but would it be negative if you'd miscarried?

Sorry not much help
Definitely demand to see another doctor and try to get a scan.. unfortunately if you take a test it will still be positive as the hormones stay in the system for a couple of weeks I think. If the spotting gets worse and if there are any clots like AF type period then you need help... have you had any cramping???

Bleeding alone does not always mean a m/c but if you have cramping and the pain gets worse and worse then it usually does mean a m/c. in August when I m/c'd it started with spotting and got worse, fresher blood then 4 days later it was like a very heavy AF with very painful contraction type pains.. it was unbearably painful but I had already had scan to tell me my little bean was dead...

I hope it is good news for you.. put your feet up and rest if possible but go see another doc too!!!! take care x
Go to a hospital and tell them about the doctor you need to be checked so you can go on
Go to your A&E dept. Tell them your pregnant and tell them about your bleeding. They will scan you immediately or will refer you for a scan the following day.


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