Another personal question (sorry!)


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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For those of you who m/cd at around 5 weeks - how much did you bleed?

I had what I'd describe as light/normal period type bleeding on Sunday night, and like a heavy period with a few big clots on and off yesterday - but today there hardly seems to be anything which seems odd to me as even a normal period would last about 4 days for me and I'd only have a day like today right at the end.

Also, did other people feel really unwell when they miscarried? I feel all hot and cold and quite sick and SO tired.

Please ignore me if this question is too personal - but if anyone feels willing to share I would find it helpful.
I've just answered this in my loooooooong response on your other thread! :doh: :lol:
Oh thanks - sorry! My brain is total mush today - I will go back and read thoroughly!
This is really offputting, but i bled for about 6 weeks :( I bled really really heavily on and off for the first 2 weeks, then it eased it a little bit, and i had some days where i was only lightly bleeding.. But then it didnt stop at all, and the only way managed to stop bleeding was to go on Cillest (the contraceptive pill)..

I felt really unwell hun, it was horrible.. I ended up being anaemic after it all because i lost so much.. Generally i felt really tired all the time and ended up getting a cold like every few days, was horrid!!!

I hope you're ok!
Sounds like you had a terrible time Beth! I seem to be luckier than you in that respect as the bleeding seems to be tailing off now. I still feel really really tired and quite sick - but I suppose this might just be due to the stress of the situation.
When I had my scan in June, it was found that the sac had only grown to about 5 weeks size, even though I should have been nearer 9 weeks. When I did finally start bleeding, it was heavy with biggish clots for a couple of days but then tailed off which surprised me as I thought it would go on much longer. Had an internal a few days later when the midwife removed the actual sac with forceps (sorry if TMI) and I did then bleed heavily again for a few hours. All in all, bleeding lasted about a week from what I remember. So, I would say that what you're experiencing sounds pretty similar although of course everyone is different. Don't really think I had any other symptoms, my main problem was painful cramps which needed painkillers but otherwise did feel a lot like a normal period.

Hope you're not feeling too rubbish today hun, take it easy and get lots of rest (and feel free to PM if you wanna chat) xx
I had d&c with all but one of my m/c - each time I only bled for a few days even the spontaneous one. I do remember feeling very tired and totally washed out. Take care. x

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