miscarriage, a dirty word?


Active Member
Oct 11, 2013
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Sadly I have had 2 miscarriages, one at 8 weeks, 3 years ago. Then the second at 5 weeks about 6 weeks ago.
One of the hardest things I have found is others reactions towards you. I understand it is a difficult subject.
I've found the most common solution is for people to just not mention it. A sympathetic glance and 'how you feeling.'
Or, well you was only early on in your pregnancy.
Don't get me wrong I'm not looking for sympathy and I do not expect everyone to become counsellors. They say miscarriage is more common than we think so why is it such a taboo subject?

Anyway, its a been a tough few weeks, but I should be due to ovulate this week. Which is exciting and incredibly frightening. Both times I was TTC I got pregnant fairly quickly.
I'm just worried that if I'm lucky enough to get pregnant again that the stress and anxiety wont be go for me. But how do you not worry, when you've Had such shad experience.

Thanks for listening
You might find a charity called saying goodbye helpful - their main mission is to break the taboo. Xxxx
Missy i've found people sit in one of two camps, the ones that ask 'how are you' and are prepared for the answer and the others who are willing you to give them the socially acceptable response, 'I'm fine'.
I've been testing people out this last week and found those people who want to hear.
There are charities out there, I have two locally whose support started before my baby was born.
Of course we're all here too! x
MissyD, sorry about your 2 losses, its a horrible place to be.

I've had 4 mc before having my rainbow baby 3 weeks ago. Like you, I feel that mc is a terribly isolating experience. By the time I'd had the 4th one, there were lots of people who were so scared of saying the wrong thing that they didn't say anything... I stopped getting invited places and friends wouldn't call like they used to. Its so hurtful that sadly I think some of those friendships are gone now, but I do know where my real friends are, its a much smaller group, but my goodness they are amazing people!

When you next get pg, it will be hard, but I just took each day one at a time and focused on things I was doing differently, and used the incredible support on here to get through.

Less than a year ago I was ready to give up on this, and now I have a baby. Don't give up!
This miscarriage association are always desperately trying to raise awareness and remove the taboo from the subject too! their facebook page often has their campaigns on and also their website........

At least you can always come on here and talk about it.....I started trying to ttc in May 2012 and had a miscarriage in Nov 12, feb 13 and Mar '13!!! I am now just over 24 weeks pregnant - felt like it was never gonna happen - I thought that now I was over 35 that was it!

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