Millies New Journal

I hope they find the cause, sounds like you are finally getting somewhere xxx
Hope so. Really hope they have a cancellation so that I can have it done and out the way! Xx
I've stopped bleeding now! Is that normal it's been less than a week? My last loss later on it went on for a couple of weeks! My scarring has been hurting me though!

My friend had her baby today, so happy for her! She was ttc just under 2 years and had a loss so really pleased for her.

I can't imagine us ever getting that moment of pictures with OH and baby and pictures with grandparents etc. I really hope we do though! Xxx
You will honey xxx

I don't know much about miscarriages but I have read they are meant to be heavier and longer than a period... At your stage in the pregnancy, I would've thought it would've gone on for longer but I could be wrong. Can they do a scan to see if anything is left? Xx

It will happen, you will get those photos xxx
Yeah with my two later ones the actual losses were like a sort of mini labohr but my first one I bled for 2 weeks! I'm meant to go back again yeah, they said they would call though!
I got some of my results back from my private clinic today. Don't think I was on PF at the time but they are the ones I begged for at the private clinic a little while ago.
I'm still waiting on my nhs ones which are the sticky blood ones and chromosome ones.

My NK cells are high. There's quite a few numbers I didn't really get but 50:1 is 27% and meant to be 15% or under. So it means my body likes to reject embryos as foreign bodies. I had a feeling I could have it as I seem to get bfps more often when my asthma is bad and I am on steroid tablets or the highest steroid inhaler more regularly. But I wasn't sure as some do implant properly and then grow. On the letter it says there seems to be a pattern where I have chemical and then a preg which lasts up till nearly 2nd tri so it could be that after chemicals they wane a bit.
Trying to keep focussed on my job for now so will be looking up potential ways to lower myself naturally before my op I think then ask for repeats.
Sounds like it can be quite a lengthly process in deciding what to take for it etc.
First step is to get my hydro removed!

But my diagnosis atm is

-hydrosalphinx and blocked tube
-high nk cells
- low AFC. Need AMH done really to see because with only having a bit of my left ovary it complicates the count apparently. But we are going to stick with nhs for now. Then after the op reconsider options :). Xx
Oh wow, what a lot of information. I guess that explains things.

I'm sure there will be many ladies like you out there so there must be some natural things you can take to help.

Now you have some answers, you can look forward to getting your take home baby. Xxx
So sorry millie. Glad your getting somewhere with answers. I had a hydrosalphinx thar caused my first mc. Baby was doing fine but my hydrosalphinx decided to flush itself and bubs out so glad your getting that sorted x looks like they are funding patterns and looking at lots of things I hope it all leads to your forever baby x
Thank you both. I hope so!!
Wondering if I could be oving soon. Opk not positive yet but I know I ovd really soon after the loss last time and started to get my ov symptoms of twinges, headaches and anxiety!
Oh and my hpt is basically neg now. But not sure if opk could still be leftover hormones? X
I've got no idea I'm still getting positive hpt some tests stronger than others. My ov test gone from strong positive to negative past two days. As for the aspirin (you asked earlier but I know you may be waiting now) I was recommended 75mg (baby aspirin) 1 tab once a day. Since they think I have something wrong blood wise I've stopped all pain pills bar aspirin and my mood is a lot better. Not sure if it's related.
I think I will try the aspirin! Do you know much about what can/can't be taken with it? Guessing my hayfever tablets and inhalers will be fine? Xx
I don't think I'm gonna try the aspirin unless I get told too as read it can make asthma worse. If I have steroids at the same time it might cancel it out but we will see!

Don't think I am oving yet, had twinges and a little bit of ewcm but opks been neg. Only got 3 clearblue ones left and no cheapies so if I don't get my smiley by Wednesday I'll just take a guess at ov going off pains. I was gonna test day before Venice as I will be taking diazapam but no point wasting a test as I may only have just ov'd in two weeks time. So think unless I know going off pains then I wont really track it as such and will take a test on christmas eve! Xx
I have only just seen you have this journal Millie. All these results will help you on your way to having your forever baby xx
Thank you lisey xxx

Yeah I read that and mine can get bad already especially with having the cats so don't wanna risk it! Xx
I read to only take it if told as it can actually cause mc if you don't need it (although it does help some ladies). And you definitely don't want to make your asthma worse.

Sounds like you will ov soon hun :-) xx
Are you trying before your operation Millie? xx
Yeah I think I will! With the nk cells even after the op it may not stick so don't see any diff in trying beforehand.
They said treatment for the cells can be aspirin, and steroids etc. Think the aspirin is just a precautionary thing for blood clotting disorder though. Will see what my results for that are like first! Xx
Have you got any other symptoms for the blood clotting disorder I presume it's Hughes aka sticky blood? I've put symptom in spoilers so doesn't clog up your thread. There are others but these are most common. I've missed off recurring miscarriage for sadly obviously reasons.
Balance issues/dizziness
Memory loss
Stroke/DVT/PE/heart attack
Tingling numbness in limbs
Seizures /spasms
Hearing loss/tinnitus
Visual disturbances eg. Flashing lights blurred vision vision loss zig zag patterns
Artery or heart valve issues
Pain in abdomen after eating
Livedo reticularis
Low platelet
Joint pain
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I do have the things like dizzyness, tingling numbness, visual disturbances and tinnitus etc! Also get migranes often!
I never know whats down to my anxiety though seeing as I have that as well lol! Xx

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