Milk let down and bottle making


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Well ive given up BF, finding it so hard to keep up with Alex demand, hes such a hungry little guy and i just cant keep up, been expressing, but its taking soooo long to get enough milk just for one feed, usually i cant even get that so i have decided to give it up, at least he had the good stuff for 2 weeks.
Onlyprob is the let down is so painful, its making me want to cry, how can i easeit, ive been taking pain killers but they arnt working@??

Also how do you make your bottles, i was going to make them up and keep them in the fridge but MW says not to do that so boiling the kettle 30mins before a feed, waiting for it to cool a little adding the powder then cooling down with cold water, although i must admit when lil manis screaming for milk it seems very time consuming, how does everyone else make up bottle???
Sorry BFing didn't work out for you.

Regarding bottles I put boiled water into all the sterilised bottles then keep them on the side till I'm ready to add powder, then warm it up.
I know it is wrong but I make mine up in advance and keep them in the fridge. I stopped b-f after six weeks and have made her bottes this way ever since, never done her any harm. The midwife mentioned the correct way to make them but her feeding was so unpredictable that I would have had a very unhappy baby to deal with and a bottle to make.
Urchin said:
Sorry BFing didn't work out for you.

Regarding bottles I put boiled water into all the sterilised bottles then keep them on the side till I'm ready to add powder, then warm it up.

Same here, my cupboard is lined with bottles with cooled boiled water in, and we have the tommetippee powder dispensers so we have the powder ready measured out too :D
I used to make up a batch and keep them in the fridge. The MW said she couldnt endorse it being the right way to do it due to new guidelines but she said as long as I use them within 24hrs its perfectly fine.

I did it until madame was 7months old and she never got a tummy bug or anything, Lilke you said once they are hungry they want it then and there LOL!

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