Milk coming in.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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I have been tingling since last night and this morning they (boobies) feel bruised so i know it wont be long before i get my milk in, the thing is i am not breast feeding this little one but im not sure how to get rid of it, the milk that is, someone has mentioned taking laxatives but im not sure about that so i was wondering if anyone else has heard about taking them or has anyone any tips on how to get it to dry up quicker?
any help is appreciated.x
Taking laxatives to get rid of breast milk? :shock: I have never heard of that!

I think if you do not breast feed at all, then your boobs might be really full for a couple of days but then if the milk isn't been taken out of them your body realises that you dnt need it and stops producing it.

If they really hurt bad try putting a warm flannel over them maybe?

I know my mother took a tablet from her GP that stopped her producing milk once she had stopped feeding me, although it made her feel really sick...

Hope that helps a little, Im sure others will have better advice than that though! :D
Thanks for that Siobhan, i was a little surprised about the laxative thing, i have never heard of that one, i have fed all of my others and the way i got it to dry up before was to stop gradually but i have never not fed from the begining, i am going to ring my practice nurse up at my gp's and see what she says too but i think the best advice i can get is off other mums.
:shock: :shock:

laxatives?? No!

Did you not mention this to your HV, or your GP? They should have given you some tablets straight after thte birth to stop the milk coming in. You should try to get the tablets asap.

Herbally, sage tea is good for drying up the milk.

You'll need to use cold compresses and express some milk as well.

good luck
the only ways 2 relieve the fullness is breastfeeding or expressing, but doing either of those things will make ur boobs produce more milk, so u hav 2 just sit it out i guess!
I didn't use anything to get rid of the milk when my milk came in. Both times I just sat it out, trying my hardest not to let ANYTHING touch my breasts as I didn't want them stimulating! It took about 3 days for them to feel normal again. I would advise changing your breast pads often as you leak A LOT when the milk isn't being used!!

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