MIL picking at our name choices ....

the names are both lovely hun take no notice of your rude mother in law and if she snorts again tell her you will have her seen by a ear nose and throat specialist for her snorting as its obviously bothering her xxxxx
Hiya guys ....

Well i as in hosptial for well over a week up untill tuesday just gone ...

Baby is fine and im now 14 weeks pregnant ... Bump grown lovely along with my bloody headache ....

The cow won't let me buy a sodding thing for my bean and then proceeded to go to mothercare and brought my F***ing pram opening a mothercare card in mine and her name .... AAARRRGGGHHHHH

I come out of hosptial and she threw me the bill for my pram !!! i could not BELIVE it!!!! i swear im goning to kill someone shortly .....

She now calls the baby IT!!! and the snorts are proceeding to grunts or nose turning .... B***H!!!

Im getting so fustrated and i NEVER swear!!! im BP gone up and my hemogloben levels down :(

Wish i could fall off the face off the planet .... it would be so much easier .... will some one please help me hire a hitman???

Take care .... sorry for venting ....

Love Imi "The Physcotic nutter"+"The baby im not allowed to name"
this isn't doing you or the baby any good at all - personally i would return the pram and get a refund! just out of principle.
can't you stay with yu grandparents?

she sounds like a right selfish...@:@>:!!!

i really hope you get things sorted... it sounds awful
take it back. Even if you like it take it back. You have got to get out of that house or you will be ill.
your are still early in pregnancy - you don't say why you've been in hospital but its not helping...
Can't you speak to hubby about her, surely he would have soemthing to say, as she is being detrimental to your and your beans health.

i think i woul dhave lost my temper by now and she is taking the pi@@ as you husband isn't around to help you.
Speak to him ????

The poor bugger tied up in knots, he's like me trying to keep the peace, talk to her without upsetting her .... Like it's that easy ...

Im so fustrated right now it's affecting my sleeping at night ... i wish i could stay with my grandmother but she lives in a council house and if they find out im there they will put her rent straight back up to normal price , she'll lose her rent rebate she's had since my grandpa died.

Im trying to just let everything lie until my OH comes home ... in another 4 wks :( Hopefully he can have words then ...

She's now taken to calling me fat and other names ... last night i'd had enough and sat there and sobbed ....

Im not finding being pregnant easy, i haven't since day 1 and im starting to wish i wasn't in this position .... How un-fair is that??

Oh well back to another day of it , chin up and smile with gritted teeth ...

Take care and thanks for your replies,

Love Imi

P.s will leave the cancelling of the pram till my OH comes home, so he can feel the wrath too!!!
i hope i didn't upset you with my post. i can't imagine what its like.
Can't understand why she is being so resentful towards you.
Has she alwasy been like this? or is she nice as pie when hubby is home?
Was she happy when you told her you were expecting?

I'm suprized you haven't told her to move out, i think i would have chucked her out the door by now, but i know its easier said than done.
All the pregnancy hormone don't help you feel too great either.
Hey there ....

No you didn't upset me, i can't get anymore upset than i already am if im being honest...

Starting to really resent my pregnancy and my OH, and im getting depressed .... Why does it have to be like this???

I wish i could boot her out, but it's her house unfortunatly!!! lol would be a laugh tho!!

I don't think she was happy about me from day 1, she even asked my OH when it was i last slept with some1 else other than him and was the baby his .... this was the day we found out i was PG .... it was unplanned to say the least.

Don't think she likes me very much to be honest, and im starting to hate my OH, he's getting on with his life while im stuck in a living hell ...

I so wish it wasn't like this, it shouldn't be like this... i don't know what to do anymore..

The one thing i do know is i wish this wasn't happening ...

Have you thought about renting a bedsit or something short term? Maybe speak to OH about it, or a room rental in a shared house? They can be really cheap.
I think your names are lovely but I think Ethan Joshua sounds the best out of the two boys names as the other one is a bit harder to pronounce. I wouldn't listen to your MIL as it is not her baby and she has no right criticising your names. She will get used to whatever you choose in the end so don't worry about it and call your baby what you want. :)
hiya hun sorry but your mil is definatley the mil from hell!!!!!

have you spoke to your other half about how your feeling when your living their, surely he would want you to be relaxed and enjoying your pregnancy even go to teh council get yourself a little flat at least till your OH gets back from wherever he is.

I really feel for you hun but just a suggestion from now on dont tell your MIL any names you pick and when your baby is born just tell her the name yous have chosen and their is nothing she can do or say about it.

hope it works out for you hun

take care xxxxxxx

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