
Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
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Long story - sorry

I've just come back form my sister-in-laws. She's alread disowned her mother, my other sister-in-law is on the verge of doing the same, and if my hubby knew what his mother had been saying, he'd ditch her too.

MIL can't accept that her kids want to see their dad, and that they want to let their children knew their grandad.

I think it's mostly because she can't get over the fact that he left her for her best friend - which yes is a bast**d of a thing to do, but then again this is 4 years AFTER she had a baby with the lodger and pretended it was his.

Since the three kids that are his have grown up and started to get to know him she's been getting more and more unpleasent about it. She has problems anyway (like the need to bring a bottle of whisky every night) but she's getting worse.

We couldn't invite my FIL to our wedding last year because of her. She would have started a fight and ruined the day. FIL knew this and said as much as he would love to come he knew it would ruin our day if he came. So MIL calls me up one night pi**ed and says SHES invited him...

As the conversation goes on she then implies very heavily that FIL raped her when they were still married. The result being the younger of my SILs. But in the past she has told me that the only reason she had her 4th kid with the lodger is because FIL WOULDN'T (she said she used to beg him and when he wouldn't she was 'forced' to have one with someone else).

She sounds like she's lying about the attack, but I'm still shocked about it. I asked why she never did anything about it - go to the police, kick him out, leave etc. Why stay with him and beg him to expand the family as she's told me she had to do in the past. She had no answer to that.

She insisted that I never told anyone in the family what she had said and I kept it to myself.

This weekend we all went to FILs house for a BBQ so that me and my hubby could introduce him to his grandson. Both SILs went too. MIL had worked out where we were and started to ring round. DH told her when she called him and then she went bonkers. Later that evening she called eldest SIL demanding to know why we'd all lied to her (we hadn't, it never came up in conversation. Had she asked where we were going next we'd have told her). Then told her that her younger sister was the result of rape and that she was going to see a solisiter this week.

Oh, and this 'secret' is known by at least 6 people (not my hubby though) none of which believe a word of it.

Younger SIL has heard this accuasation before. it always gets banded about when ever any of the three of them get close to their dad.

He's a nice man. My DH is a carbon copy of him. He has another family with his second wife and they are all blissfully happy.

Why can't she see that being a control freak, alcky slapper is just driving her kids further away. She'll end up losing all of them, and her grandkids, if she carries on!
:shock: :shock: :shock:

crikey - sounds like you've got, um, interesting (?!!) in-laws... hope your OH is coping ok with it all :hug: :hug:
Goodness me she sounds like a complete nutjob :shock:

How do you manage to stay civil?!

:hug: to you xxx

This woman sounds completely off her rocker and a right bitch, no offense to your OH!!
thats horrible, and so sad :( how can someone lie about something like that :(
she needs to sort her head out shes fucked up

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