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MIL Hell

Miss M

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2007
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I think I need to vent somewhat if that's okay.

The situation between myself and my mother in law, is so bad that my husband has told her never call our landline, only his mobile phone .. except, she thinks she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants.
Despite her knowing the situation, she called our house three times last week, making demands on my husband. She treats him like her personal scivvy and it’s driving a wedge between us, not to mention that it‘s a big part of my anxiety and stress. I freeze when the phone rings now, for fear that it‘s her. She’s actually demanded that she be given permission to call when she wants, despite knowing why she isn't meant to and despite my feelings.

I’ve never been good enough for her it seems (she’s very middle class and even her sons call her a snob and have nothing good to say about her). She treated me like dirt since we met really and for seven long years, never once did I say a word back, until the day it erupted at Christmas in 2003. I spoke to her once after that, when she apparently came with the FIL to apologise, but ended up being absolutely horrible to me in my own home. Some of the nicer things she said, were that I never did her washing up for her. I was told I sat in the wrong seat in the house (I wasn’t allowed to sit on the sofa or armchair, I was meant to sit on the wooden chair in the corner) and that I was ungrateful. Apparently there were lots of other things that I had done wrong that they wouldn’t go in to .. nice apology, eh?

I even put up with her calling me She or Her or a name entirely different to my own. I had doors shut in my face, I was pushed out of the house when people she knew visited and she refused to acknowledge me in public when people she knew were close by.
One thing that still bothers me to this day is that after we had eloped to marry in Cornwall, because we knew she would cause trouble, we had a local church blessing and she even manegd to spoil that. She didn't let the FIL take us to the church as arranged (we had to beg a lift with a guest for goodness sake). She told my mother to get out of the room where the buffet was - I had made all on my own and my mother was unwrapping things for me. She told my brother and sister to leave the food alone, told me to get away from it too so her and all the friends she had invited without our permission, could get first pickings :x She complained all the way through the cutting of the cake and the speeches, told us we couldn't give the band champagne, as she had paid for it, insulted my wedding dress and then promptly left the reception at 2.30pm, when the reception it didn‘t wind up until 11pm.

This is why we don't talk and why we are kept apart and precisiely why my husbnad won't let her call here but she still does because she thinks she has never done a single thing wrong in all the time I have known her .. it's all my fault apparently, I'm the one causing problems :wall:

Now we don't think we're being unreasonable, but what do you think?
:shock: :shock: :shock: I think she sounds like a right old baggage! i'm sure there are is a list of some undetectable poison mushrooms on the internet, then you could invite the old pyscho round for a buffet lunch :twisted: :twisted:
omg what a nightmare :shock:

First thing you need to do is get caller display and block with-held numbers (numbers that are withheld are told to dial 141 to display it) that way you know before picking up if its her and you can choose not to answer. That gives you some control back :)

Other than that, is she the kind of person that will take control of a conversation, making trying to talk to her about her attitude impossible? If you think you could sit her down, just you and her, and explain that her behaviour towards you has to stop without her turning it all around on you, then it might be worth a shot. If thats a daunting prospect, and I wouldnt be atall surprised if it is, then you might have to persuade your DH to talk to her instead.

Whatever happens I hope you can find some resolution, she sounds like a real MIL from hell and no-one should have to put up with that from anyone whoever they are :hug:
She just called again :wall: What is wrong with her????

My husband said to put the phone down on her straight away as that would make her blood boil :twisted: I'd like to do more than make her blood boil, I can tell you.

I've now taken the phone off the hook.

foxred - good idea :wink:

midna - thank you :hug:
glitzyglamgirl said:
omg what a nightmare :shock:

First thing you need to do is get caller display and block with-held numbers

Other than that, is she the kind of person that will take control of a conversation, making trying to talk to her about her attitude impossible?

Whatever happens I hope you can find some resolution, she sounds like a real MIL from hell and no-one should have to put up with that from anyone whoever they are :hug:

It is a nightmare and the biggest cause of my stress sadly.

We have talked about caller display, but the telephones we've seen are £80 and then there's the service which is more on top of that and we can't really afford such things right now, just becuase she won't get the hint. I have though, seen that BT can block a solitary number :twisted: I even mentioned changing the number as when we moved here, the idea was not to give her the number but she managed to get hold of it anyway. If we changed it, she would just manage to wangle it again.

You can't talk to her, at all. She turns on the water works when she can't get her own way and her own way is all she's ever had. As far as she's concerned, she's being reasonable and I'm causing the problems here .. if I would just accept that I'm in the wrong and put up with her behaviour, then everything would be fine and dandy.

She has been told about her behaviour, but she will not have it. The only resolution would be to move far far away and not tell her .. tempting.
I would get caller display, or block her number. If she calls put the phone down straight away.

She sounds like a right old cow, I am amazed you have put up with her for this long! Tell her to get out of your lives, you don't need people like that dragging you down!
I'm amazed that I put up with it for so long too. My BIL has the right idea, he moved to France and spends as little time in this country as he can get away with, which unfortunately puts all the pressure on my DH.

What really niggles away is that if I ever do get pregnant (fingers crossed), she'll feel even more justified to stick her nose in and I don't want my eventual pregnancy and role as a new mum overshadowed by her criticising my every step.

I hate her so much, I really do and she's now got my DH running errands for her .. he isn't at work today so he's fair game for her :(
You could do what I ended up doing with my sister, when she calls and you hear its her, just say "now are you going to be nice or nasty?" and if she replies with anything other nice just say nothing and put the phone down lol, if she says she'll be nice and then turns nasty just put the phone down, eventually she'll realise the only way to get a phonecall made is to be nice :lol:

Ok it might not work on an adult but it would be funny :lol:
I wouldn't be able to be mature tbh...

I would just have to hang the phone up on her if she called, each and every time.. or better pick up the phone.. then just leave it on the side so that she can hear whats going on but you can't hear her, then shout to your DH, that the wicked witch of the east is on the line, or the MIL satan refuses to accept into hell she's so bad :rotfl: .... Listen to your DH on this one, if he says this will upset her, then do it... She needs to be put in her place.

I'd also make snide comments in her hearing range.... and make it damn clear that if I had her grandchild that she was not welcome to see it... If she came to my house, I'd not open the door and call the police. If she doesn't accept you, then she doesn't accept any children that come from your partnership with your DH. In circumstances like these my DH has learnt that he needs to keep me AWAY from people I don't like, because I will say something, and you should too.

At the end of the day, your DH knows what she's like... and I would assume that he does not agree with it. Does he side with you or does he feel torn between you two?

Stand up to this woman. Don't let her say nasty things to her, if you make her cry...


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: She doesn't deserve to be happy if she treats people like that.
Blimey i thought my MIL was a cow!! :shock:

As everyone else has said get caller id, Its usually free or a small charge on top of your line rental also a lot of phones come with caller id now and they are pretty cheap and easy to get, go on ebay and you should be able to get your hands on one really cheap.

I think your oh needs to have a good chat with her and tell her to back off or else and mean it. If she gets any worse could you get her done for harrassment? or is that a bit to much?
I know how you feel hun, my mil is actually the devil and I can't stand her. Don't worry about getting pregnant and the baby, when it happens you'll gain inner strength and won't take any crap. My mil has seen my son 3 times in 2 and a bit years and that's the way it will stay. Is your husband supportive of your views? He needs to be on your side for it to work. I hope she backs off soon, she sounds horrible! :hug:
Squiglet said:
I wouldn't be able to be mature tbh...

I would just have to hang the phone up on her if she called, each and every time.. or better pick up the phone.. then just leave it on the side so that she can hear whats going on but you can't hear her, then shout to your DH, that the wicked witch of the east is on the line, or the MIL satan refuses to accept into hell she's so bad :rotfl: .... Listen to your DH on this one, if he says this will upset her, then do it... She needs to be put in her place.

I'd also make snide comments in her hearing range.... and make it damn clear that if I had her grandchild that she was not welcome to see it... If she came to my house, I'd not open the door and call the police. If she doesn't accept you, then she doesn't accept any children that come from your partnership with your DH. In circumstances like these my DH has learnt that he needs to keep me AWAY from people I don't like, because I will say something, and you should too.

At the end of the day, your DH knows what she's like... and I would assume that he does not agree with it. Does he side with you or does he feel torn between you two?

Stand up to this woman. Don't let her say nasty things to her, if you make her cry...


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: She doesn't deserve to be happy if she treats people like that.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Thats what I'd do too
Squiglet - I told him what you said and he promptly burst out laughing :rotfl: But despite him telling me to hang up as it'd make her blood boil, and the fact that he voluntarily said to me that she's treated me appallingly, he does make allowances for her, he says things like, "Oh she's like that." But if it were me, I'd be expcted to change .. I swear it's heriditory. I really wish I'd said something to her face when we did see each other .. the closest I've ever got was a major rant while he was on the phone to her (when SHE called here) when I stated very loudly, that this was meant to be MY home and she wasn't to call here, but my DH put his hand over the phone so she couldn't hear :x
He also thinks that her accepting a baby that came from our relationship, is entirely different to her accepting me. I disagree 100%, and he says I can't use a baby as a pawn. I added that if she wanted to be involved with our baby, then the very least she could do was give a sincere apology with no "but" tacked to the end, but he said I was being unreasonable. Seven years of being treated like filth and my wanting an apology is unreasonable? She's never made an apology in her life, so the chances of this happening are slim to none, but DH won't have it, he'll let her get away with it.

Flame - I usually un-plug the phone when I'm here (no one calls me anyway) and when I'm on-line I take the phone off the hook as when she calls, my DH flutters around telling her she shouldn't in a really weak way. He tells her to her face not to call, but she won't have it, she doesn't see why not (grrrr - I truly loathe and detest her) so I asked that he explain in black and white WHY she wasn't to call here.

Strangeness - Ahh, you have one of Lucifer's clones too do you :hug: I pity you sincerely, I really do. No, my husband isn't supportive of anything concerning a one day baby, he thinks I'm unreasonable with my very firm set opinions.
Miss M said:
He also thinks that her accepting a baby that came from our relationship, is entirely different to her accepting me. I disagree 100%, and he says I can't use a baby as a pawn. I added that if she wanted to be involved with our baby, then the very least she could do was give a sincere apology with no "but" tacked to the end, but he said I was being unreasonable. Seven years of being treated like filth and my wanting an apology is unreasonable? She's never made an apology in her life, so the chances of this happening are slim to none, but DH won't have it, he'll let her get away with it.

I have to agree with you on the accepting the baby thing. My grandmother didn't accept my mother, and she never really accepted me and she hasn't really accepted my daughter. My aunt's son, and his kids pictures are all over the walls of her flat and she only has one of me, hidden behind the phone in the hallway.

You're totally well within your rights to DEMAND and apology and if your DH agrees that she owes you one, then he should take the stand and tell her that if she wants to see the baby then that's the stipulation, and if MIL doesn't want you in her life, then she obviously doesn't want him or any grandchildren in her life either, because you are part of that equation.

I have the same stipulation on my DH, slightly different situation though. One of his best friends goes out with a girl I simply hate, who spread rumours and lies about me, my parenting capabilities and that my DH would sexually molester my DD, all before my wedding (and she continued after all because she was a jealous cow). So I've told him that unless I get a personal apology from her, she is not seeing my children ever again, and if she turns up, I'll just take my kids and walk away from her, and I will never allow DH's friend to see them again either.

That's my right as a mother. Your future babies will pick up on this aminosity between MIL and you... I knew with my Grandmother and mother... and your kids don't need to be put into that situation nor do they need that kinda negative energy floating around.
I think you definitely need to clear the ground rules with your OH, if the rule is she doesn't call the house then she DOESN'T CALL THE HOUSE.
That's one silly little rules she can't stick to, what about later, if and when a baby gets into the equation, is she just gonna turn up unannounced when she's not allowed to do that either?

Sort the rules on how she talks to you, contacts you and deals with you in future. You and you OH need to stick together and deal with her now before she gets worse.
Squiglet - I've tried speaking to him about the acceptance thing, but my DH will not have it, he refuses to even entertain my reasoning for even one second. He also doesn't think an apology would be a good thing, because of the circumstances .. "What sort of apology would that be?" he asked. Well, as far as I'm concerned, this would be one thing in her life that wouldn't be handed to her on a plate. She's had everything in her life so easily, despite the appalling way she treats everyone, she expects her own way. Although he agrees I deserve an apology, he also disagrees that I should receive one under such circumstances. What I know he would do, is just take the baby and go around there, leaving me stewing at home .. a scenario a while in the furture, granted, but the very idea of him doing that really bothers me. I said that if she can't accept me, then why would a baby I had given birth to be different .. his answer was simply that it was different, but I'm sure it's because she would see it as his baby and not mine.

:hug: for your situation, that girl sounds hideous! What dreadful behaviour! I came up against absolutely awful behaviour from my DH's friend's new wife when she started ripping me to shreds at her wedding reception, in front of EVERYONE. Luckily I had the decency to turn and walk away, but I still fantasise about throwing my drink in her face :oops:

Urchin - He's spoken to his mother about not calling here several times, but she can always justify her behaviour, because she thinks she's ALWAYS right, no matter what. He's never got her to say that she won't do it, because she simply will not do that, she'll call whenever she wants, regardless of anyone's wishes. It's us that's being unreasonable.
I can tell you this though, if she came anywhere near my home, almighty hell would rain down on her .. perhaps then she'll get home sick and toddle back on home to the pits of hell whence she came.
I did say to my DH though, that when I do get pregnant (see, being positive!) and have our baby, under no circumstances is there a special occasion that she would be invited too, as if she can ruin the reception we had for our wedding, then she can ruin something else out of spite and thankfully, right now, he agrees that she would never even be told.
Miss M said:
Urchin - He's spoken to his mother about not calling here several times

yeah but you said he still ends up in a convo with her anyway.

He needs to get on the phone and just say "do not ring this number" and put the phone down.

he's being too soft obviously for her to keep calling.
Urchin said:
Miss M said:
Urchin - He's spoken to his mother about not calling here several times

yeah but you said he still ends up in a convo with her anyway.

He needs to get on the phone and just say "do not ring this number" and put the phone down.

he's being too soft obviously for her to keep calling.

This is exactly what I said to him, say not to call and then put the phone down .. men, eh :wall:
Block her number so she cannot contact you via landline, only thing with that though is that if she tries to call from a witheld number it will allow the call to come through so getting caller id on your phone is much better so you know exactly who is calling you!

Or....change your number completley. You can also block her number on your mobile.

The next time you see her, tell the old bag exactly what you think of her!!

T xx

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