Might be soon


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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I am now 6 days over.

Have been up all night with what definately felt like contractions 7 mins apart (whih were very bearable) with period pain and back ache inbetweeen. Also had a bit of blood. Then the contractions stopped at 5ish this am but still aching a lot and getting the odd contraction.

Midwife said it sounds like i might be in pre-labour so it might stop and start until i am 2-3 cm dilated so could go into proper labour today or in 2 days or more!! Was booked for sweep tomorow morning so if i am still here it might speed things up.

OMG :cheer: Hope things keep happening

I have everything crossed for you hunni :cheer: :hug:

Did you do anything to help it along... i need ideas!!

Will keep an eye out for your updates, all the best and come on baby :dance:
No didnt really do anything, just had relaxing day and didnt think about it yesterday like i have been!

Good luck to you too!

OMG - the same thing happened to me yesterday too. Had a pretty much chilled day and then all of a sudden started getting backache (which I havent suffered from at all) and contraction type pains in lower stomach and back every 5 mins. Had a bath and went to bed and nothing else hapened but still got backache this morning and geting the odd pain now and again. Good luck - keep us posted as to your progress.
:cheer: wahooo sounds the same as how mine started :)
fingers crossed for you babe xxxxxxxxxx
Sounds promising! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
that's great news!! :D
with the sweep as well I reckon you're well on your way! :cheer:
I had this when I was preg with Leah and I had sex and went into labour. Nothing else worked for me.
still here :? been trying to sleep but can't!

Nothing much happening really so its a bit disappointing. Really hope sweep gets things going and/that she doesn't tell me i havent even started at all tomorrow! x
Come on baby! Hope things get moving for you x
Hope you don't have to wait too much longer Nikki - we were due on the same date and my monster is 11 days old today! Fingers crossed for you xx
ooooh, how exciting!!!!!!! Well done you!!

Hope the sweep does the trick tomorrow.

ooh sounds like pre-labour to me- i had similar and had my baby within 36 hours. good luck!
good luck- hope you make progress soon :hug:

sending you lots of labour dust*****

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