Midwife has completely confused me!?!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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So I had what should have technically been my 28 week midwife appointment (a week late cos of christmas etc) and she asked me to confirm my due date, so I told her, March 16th. And she goes 'right so I make you 30+1' and I was like 'oh I thought it was 29+....' but the look she gave me told me to shut up lol. She was nice and all, but she was definitely sure she was right. How is that even possible? Is there a different way of calculating it? Also she was like 'right so I'll see you in 3 weeks'.. But I thought they were supposed to see you at 28 weeks, 31 weeks, and 34 weeks... Well in 3 weeks time I will be 32+4 by my calculations.. Or 33+1 by her strange way lol. So assuming she thinks that will be my 34 week midwife appointment, I've been gypped out of the 31 week one! Grr!

On the plus side I've been referred for physio for my back! Yay! Anyone know how long this might take?

I'm confused just reading that lol. I don't really know how they work it out, it's on some turning disk thing xxxxxxxx
Haha sorry. Yeah she did it on her spinny disk thing, but she put me over by 5 days somehow. She couldn't have misheard my due date.. 16th sounds nothing like 11th! Oh well, either way I've still got quite a wait! :( xxx
the dates my midwife gives me never match what i think i am. but when i corrected her the first time, she said are we really gonna argue over a few days. lol

I thought it was 28 then 32, dunno what happens after that. lol
I worked you out to be the same as what you say, so don't know how she works it out :eh:
Go with your own dates!
Hmmm that's really strange! When I had my 28week appointment she said see me again at 32 but I have consultant at 30 weeks too due to meds

Maybe she misheard you, those wheel things they use are a bit stupid, she had me 1 day off when she did that with me but I never bothered saying anything.

Yea My docs, midwife and ultrasound are all different of how they work it out. By the ultrasound the dates are the same as mine, by midwife hers is a day before and docs are 3days infront. So don't worry too much. My midwife said everyones is different and a couple of days out. I'm sticking to my calculations as its the same as the ultrasound. :)
When the gp was trying to work my dates out at the beginning he asked me about my period dates. I was like erm I'm here cos I can't remember when my last one was! He was using that stupid wheel and I think they are naff and looking back now I know the exact days I could have conceived cos we only had sex once that month so they are wrong anyway lol
Yeah it's not that important I guess. But 5 days ahead is nearly a week! And a week when there are only 10 weeks left feels massive lol. I can start trying to get baby out 5 days earlier than originally planned lol! I do think she got it worng though. She had a trainee with her though so I wasn't gonna call her on it in front of her lol :) xx
My midwife apps were all over the place too. I wouldn't worry about it tho. They check you regularly enough to make sure all is good.xx
My apps - 24docs, 28 midwife, 32 docs, 34 midwife Don't know past then, as that's all I have booked.
I just go by my 12 week scan date. My own dates made my due date 12th March, but then 12 week scan brought me forward 3 days so I just use that :)
My mw did exactly the same to me last week. I was 27 + 4 and she told me I was 27 + 6 ... Which really wasnt worth arguing about- but my brain then started getting all confused about my due date... Am I due on the 25th as I have been expecting, or is there something I need to know and infact am due 23rd instead. My next appointment is 19th Jan (so by my dates I will be 30 + 4) so I am completely baffled by when I am supposed to see her or not.

I'm having a 3D scan next week, so I wonder if they can give me a date that they expect she will be due. It will probably be completely different to all the other dates I've been given so far. Xxxx
I went last Friday and I made it 31+6 but my mw said 32+3???? They use those stupid circle charts and they can't see things properly cx
I'm having a 3D scan next week, so I wonder if they can give me a date that they expect she will be due. It will probably be completely different to all the other dates I've been given so far. Xxxx

At mine I received a growth report which had babys measurements for his head, abdomen and thigh bone. It had the date I'd given them for his gestation age, then their estimated guesses for those body parts. His head was a week in front, his abdomen was exactly right and his thigh bone was about 2 weeks behind. But they all grow at different rates so it's not exactly correct is it. So if yours is anything like mine then they'll not give you another date - they'll just accept the one you give them :)
^^ I'm glad my little mans not the only one that measured slightly short thigh bones! (found out at our 25 week 3D scan lol) :) x
You are due the same day as me, and I have had my 28 week one and then I have a 31 week appointment. You are def 29+, as I am. We will be 30 weeks on Friday.

Maybe she was just having a moment. I don't really worry about when I am seeing my midwife, as long as there is an appointment in the book I am all ok.
They are only ment to use the 12 week scan to date because after that the baby can grow at different rates... so she shouldn't have really been arguing with you mine just asks when im due lol x

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