Midwife contact....


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
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I just wanted to check when a midwife normally contacts you. I know I have a scan at 12/13 weeks, but still don't have a date for that yet.
I am almost 9 weeks, and I thought that a midwife would see me, to make sure that I was eating properly, not smoking, not drinking, not planning on doing any skydives or scuba diving... No that I will be, but as its my first, just thought that someone would have contacted me already....?? What about everyone else? Or is it normal to be only at the scan?
Congrats to you all
From what I can gather, midwives just leave you to get on with it these days, I had my first appointment with mine yestarday, she fill out all my notes etc, then said I would receive an appointment for scan soon, have scan at 12 weeks and then if everything goes ok I will be lucky to see her again before I have the 20 week scan.
So in a nutshell it's probably normal not to see a midwife until ur scan, I presume you know how to contact yours if you you need her though?!
Thats the prob.. I don't even have a name, or a phone number for one... only the hosp for the scan department :cry:

Have you had your first appointment with MW, if you have did she put a number on your white notes? Have you been told about any kind of drop in sessions in your area? If not I would be inclined to ring ur gp and ask whether they have a number, if you get one you can rest assured that you can get hold of a MW if you need one but . There and again in the area that you live in, it might be procedure for the MW to contact you as you first thought. Please try not to worry that you have been forgotton about or anything, I am sure that it is just how they do thins theses days!
I've been to my doctors to confirm pregnancy... and thought he said that they would contact me. I didn't choose the defualt/local hosp, that provides the midwives at the health centre... supose I've stiched myself up there!! :clap:
Will call the doctor's later, on my way home, as I can't call from work, as no-one knows...

Thanks for your help :)
Is this ur first Suzie? I'm pregnant with my third at the mo and still expext people to be more interested than they are :roll: When I went to the docs to have the pregnancy confirmed (even though I have now done 6 home tests), I was dumbfounded when she said "well we can safely say you are pregnant then, please go out to reception and make an app with the MW", I was like ??? well aren't you gonna check I'm right then, is that it?
I was also shocked that I wouldn't see MW until first scan, it seems strange that no-one is checking upon me and carrying my about, for some reason I just expect more interest than I am getting :roll: I know I'm being silly but there you go!
Yes, its my first, and a lovely surprise. One doctor told me that I would have to have ICSI (with my ex-husband) as I have endo, Polystic overies, doesn't seem like I am ovulating.. nor producing mature eggs ( and my ex's 'little men' were cr*p... So.. after 3 years of tryin, i jsut assumed the issue was with me!!
IT's NOT!!! Woohoohooo :cheer:
With my boyfriend and we are very excited, and yes, with my first, his second. And same as you, went into the doctor's, he gave me some leaflets.., no test, and that was that!!
called the Health centre... and the receptionist's weren't all that helpful.. and like you.. I want someone to be checking up on me!! :)

i got my midwife appointment from the reception but I have still had no scan date??? :think:
Hi girls

I was a bit puzzled about this one....

Last week I went to my docs to say I was preggas and he was like....how do you know? I told him I had done quite a few tests and he said I think its safe to say you are pregnant then just like clairacluff. The only thing he did do was to book all my blood tests for things like Blood Group, Hep B, Rhesus, Full Blood Count etc etc which Ive now had done....and there was me thinking the midwife did these on my booking appointment?

I did fill out a form over a week ago for the midwife and so I called them today to ask where my appointment was and some really bitchy lady told me she had written to me but its end of October!! Il be 13-14 weeks by then :shock:

I was sooooo unhappy as I want someone to check me and reassure me everything will be fine so I made an appointment with my doctor. I saw him this morning and he was really suprised that the appoointment was so late. He is booking me in for a scan in next few weeks as he thinks I may be more pregnant than I first thought? Im not sure how this can be as I used OPKS, monitors etc etc but hey ho....he's the doc. He is also going to get me an earlier appointment.

I hate the fact that there aren't any guidelines, no normal process for us mumstobe for midwive appoints and scans. We are all just left wondering and waiting :(

If in any doubt I definately get on their case about it. Im glad I did

He did say ... Oh in the next few weeks you'll have to have the blood tests etc and then about 12 weeks youll have a scan, midwife will contact etc etc... but nothing.. think I might just call the docs and tell them everything.. and then sound really really upset if they can't help me... 8) Just a little helping hand is all I'm after.

I will call them later on this afternoon and let you know what i find out!!
Thanks for listening and your views

I saw my doc at 6 weeks and she told me to book an appointment with the midwife then. I saw her about 8 weeks when she send away my scan request forms. She came to my house at 11 weeks to do my bloods and at 12 weeks I had the scan - saw the hospital midwife after that who weighed me :(
From then I have seen someone every 4 weeks or so whether it be the midwife at the docs surgery or the sonographer at the hospital.

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