Midwife appt tomorrow ... updated!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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get to see m/w in the morning.

Quite looking forward to it as i want to speak to her about these terrible period pain like cramps I keep getting.

Doc at hospital last week thought it could be SPD but I don't actually know that much about it!!!

Just want another opinion to put my mind at rest that they're normal.

Does anyone else get the pains? They are very alike to period cramps, very intense and can bring on tears occasionally, they last for about 30-60 seconds then dissapear ... had them now just over a week :evil:
good luck with midwife tomorrow hun

Hope your mind is put at rest :hug:
Wshing you luck for tomorrow...can;t help with the SPD havenlt had any pains myself, I think I remember reading that Sami has SPD, I'm sure she wouldn't mind you PM'ing her - and she's really knowledgable about stuff like that, might just help you work it out in your head babe. :hug:
might do that.... hopefully may get some joy from faye tomorrow...she is uaually good :)
How was the appointment this morning? Did you find anymore out?
Thanks ladies :D

Saw m/w this morning and she thinks the pains are all ok.

Basically she thinks it is because my uterus is so large after having twins last time.

Apparently when she felt my tummy, my womb and uterus are very high and my size and position of LO is about the size of 20-22 week pg woman already...told you all I was HUGE! :shock:

This is probably why I can feel a lot of movement already too.

This is simply due to the fact that I had two in there last time and it got super stretched so my uterus would have popped out of my pelvis a lot sooner and apparently I'm going through what 22 week pregnant women do.

She's referred me to consultant for consultant care due to the fact that I had twinnies last time and still have problems with my c section scar.

heard heartbeat and all was good and all my blood tests were clear...

Just been told to contact them if pains get worse as she wants to keep an eye on it and to take it easy :D

Ahhhhh....have no prob with that request :D :sleep:
thanks girls, quite relieved that I have answers for the cramps and my size!!! :D

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