Midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Hi guys,
I have just come back from my midwife appointment and am a little concerned. They had a lot of difficulty deciding where LO was lying and can''t feel a head in my pelvis although she thought she could feel it high up, I have been wondering if she had turned back to being breech as a lot of my movement is low down, my heartburn is back and I have a hard lump under my ribs. She said she didn't really want to send me in to the hospital today but says the babys lie is quite unstable and wants to see me in a week. Everything else was fine, I just thought I had got over this uncertain bit, my pool has arrived, I thought that it was just a case of waiting for the day, I feel a bit sad now :cry: .
To top itoff my husbands car in knackerd and I am having to stay at home all day every day as we live in a village with poor bus service and I am bored out of my brain :bored: I need something else to focus on for a while.
:hug: Very BIG hugs Ellie :hug:
I do hope having this forum helps keep you company and entertained :) As for LO's position, I suppose its the old saying of on your hands and knees and bum in the air to hopefully sway LO to move around if they are laying a different way. It's a shame MW's don;t have a portable scanner for these situations, as would be nice to just have a quick look to determine LO's position, so you don't have to be worrying/waiting :hug:

I do hope all goes well until the next appointment and that LO has turned then, very best wishes :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: if ur LO has turned back hope she turns back again
im tryna get mine too as well!
Hi Ellie,

sorry to hear your MW appt wasn't wholly satisfying. Could it be that the MW might have got it wrong about the position of your LO? Do you have confidence in her?

I wonder if they will send you for a position scan if they think baby is definitely breech in a few days.

Of course you could always try the exercises mentioned here on other posts which are supposed to help make the baby move around. It wouldn't hurt to do that in the meantime.

:hug: Sorry to hear about your car not working. It's a bummer being isolated. Don't you have any friends or family who could visit to break up the day?

Thanks for the replies :hug: I have every faith in my midwife, she looked after me with my first two and I have asked her to deliver this lo if possible, I have no tummy muscles and that does make it harder to feel where bubs is lying, I have another appoitment with the mw next friday, so she might decide to send me for a scan then. As far as friends and family visiting, they all work full time so thats a no go :(
Thanks anyway for te suggestions :hug: :hug:
Hi hun

Sorry it didnt go so well hopefully LO will turn around if breech and everything will turn out for you :hug:
Do you have anything for baby you can do in your spare time?
Dont worry you wont be bored for much longer you will have plenty to do :)
Sorry you didn't have great news - perhaps it could be baby's bum sticking up in your ribs?? Anyway I hope if not that the baby turns again.


Awww Ellie :hug:

There's also been confusion as to which way up my baba was and got confirmed by scan today that it's head down, where is she listening for your LO's heartbeat?
My MW says if its below your tummy button by rights its head down,if it's high up its breech.

Theres still time for yours to turn yet :hug:
hi everyone, thanks for all your messages :hug: The heartbeat was above my bellybutton, but can be there if the baby is back to back, but she didnt think it was back to back :? I was having tightenings last night every four minuties, had a really busy day yesterday but I was worried because we dont know where LO is, *sigh* Will have to wait and see I guess. :(

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