Midwife Appointment!


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2010
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Hi Ladies,

I had my 15 week appointment earlier and got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, it was flipping marvellous! :dance:

She said everything looks fine and wants to see me again when im 25 weeks.

I also had my downs test result back and it was "Low Risk" so it has been a perfect week so far :)

Hope everyones ok

lucky you! I had mine yesterday and she said they dont listen to the heart this early. And gave me a row when I said I had a doppler! she said it can hurt baby!?!?!

only got my bloods taken for downs yesterday so have the long wait for the results. Am due back to see her at 22 weeks. Its funny how all areas do things differently.
Good news Spinneygirl and I'm sorry your midwife gave you a hard time Lynds, I wasn't aware that the dopplers could harm baby.
I have got an appointment today, I have not been too impressed with our midwives to be honest, nothing seems to be their problem and they always try to palm you off on someone, baby is OK so that's the main thing I suppose! I think I get measured today but we will see xx
lucky you! I had mine yesterday and she said they dont listen to the heart this early. And gave me a row when I said I had a doppler! she said it can hurt baby!?!?!

only got my bloods taken for downs yesterday so have the long wait for the results. Am due back to see her at 22 weeks. Its funny how all areas do things differently.

Sorry bout that Lynds, i think it is wrong that precedures are so different accross the country, it should be the same everywhere.

Hope your results come back quickly.

Great news Spinney - the heartbeat is the most amazing sound ever. xxx
lAnd gave me a row when I said I had a doppler! she said it can hurt baby!?!?!

What?! Is there any truth in this? :shock:

My MW said she doesn't like to do it because if she can't find the HB it makes the mum worry for no reason at all more often than not but she done it for me anyway. Guess she was nice but I can understand why yours didn't but not sure why she said it would hurt baby?

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I went to the doctors today over my sickness and at the end she also listened to babys heartbeat. I might be wrong but what your midwife said sounds a bit untrue to be honest. If it hurt the baby then surely they wouldn't do it at all? Hmm..
Sorry quickly tri-hopping here

At our private scan yeaterday they let me listen to HB - twice :lol: (OH was late and missed it first time!)


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she said it omits "rays" that can harm the baby if used too often. I dont know how often is too often though? we only use ours once a fortnight or so. And even then its only for a few mins. I dont think they would be sold so easily if they were dangerous?
Aww what a lovely post to read :) Glad all is going well xx

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