Midwife Appointment - Updated now I'm home!


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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I have my first official ante-natal appointment tomorrow and was just wondering what to expect?

I'm hoping she will have a good feel of my belly and have a listen to the heartbeat. I'm taking a wee sample with me although I wasn't asked but I'd assume it's required for checking the usual... protein etc. Also BP, but what else will she do?

didnt feel my belly (am prob just too larger girl), did listen to heart beat , done bp , and TRIED to do my triple test :rotfl: and yeh she checked me wee wee and notes that the hossy had made as i saw her before my troubles :oops:
hi i had mine at 18 weeks, she took a urine sample. asked me about my health history and family history and my ohs history. she asked which blood tests i wanted and i chose not to have the triple but had everythin else and she listend to the heartbeat and showed me how to feel where my uterus is. hope that helps xx
Oh right. I had all that done at 8 weeks Jodie (apart from the heartbeat part). :shock:

It really does vary from area to area it seems.
what u had ur blood tests and everythin at 8 weeks? she sed u cant feel ur uterus that early on and u cant have ur triple tests before 13 weeks coz it would come up a false positive/negetive?
thats what happend at mine.
At 16 weeks I had an appointment at hosp for booking in and bloods although we chose not to have triple test. I had an appointment with my midwife a couple of weeks later for all the usual (urine check, BP, heartbeat etc). I got my blood test results at my 20 week scan :)
No, no Jodie! :)

I had my booking in appt at 8 weeks then at 14 weeks I had my triple test/bloods. :)
happy_chick said:
At 16 weeks I had an appointment at hosp for booking in and bloods although we chose not to have triple test. I had an appointment with my midwife a couple of weeks later for all the usual (urine check, BP, heartbeat etc). I got my blood test results at my 20 week scan :)
Sounds like that's what mine will be like tomorrow although I have already had my blood test results :)
Appointment is in a couple of hours. Can't wait. You watch, I'll be all excited and it will be crap LMAO :rotfl:
mine was at 16 weeks... had my bp checked.. my urine checked.. Listened to heartbeat... thats about it really
Well, as I expected, it was crap.

I had a po-faced midwife who just wanted to get on with things and who wasn't full of the joys of spring (well autumn) at all!

She took my BP, checked my urine, prodded my belly 3 times and then got the doppler out. Found the HB quickly and then proceeded to tell me that she doesn't agree with people having them for home use! Whatever!

Another appt in 4 weeks - Hallowe'en!

Maybe I'll see someone a bit more lively!
Sorry your midwife was so sour debs, do you get the same one all the time or do they change?

Mine's an irish woman which is funny cos my DH is also irish, so they always have a good natter about dublin related stuff, and his southern irish accent suddenly gets a bit thicker, whilst I'm just lying there twiddling my toes. :roll: Then she always goes on about how many irish babies she's delivered locally whilst she prods my belly. She's a jolly woman so i'm not complaining, but I hope you get a much friendlier midwife on your next appointment! :hug:
Aww sorry you had a miserable midwife :hug: I have the same one for every visit and she is really nice, how come you see different ones?
No, she is a community midwife (they all are at my surgery) so hopefully it'll be a different one next time. The one I booked in with originally was nicer.
Hopefully you'll find the next appointment more helpful (20 week scan?) :?

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