Midwife appointment & scary blood test!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Well I finally had my booking in appointment today :cheer: feels like its been a long time coming.

My MW said to go by my dates for the scan so im really pleased, she said if my dates are out at the scan then it will only be by 2 weeks and its not a problem if I get put back by a week; even though il be peeved lol!

She went through all my family history, my previous pregnancy and birth and what I want for my birth this time, feeding intentions, scan options, diet, exercise, tests, plan of care etc. She was very thorough, more thorough than the student midwife I had at my booking in appt wth my first pregnancy.

I had to have bloods taken today and im FINE with needles, blood tests dont worry me at all but this was a disaster!!! She got the needle in and then punctured my vein so couldnt get any blood out :shock: Then she found another vein and only managed to get 3 and a half tubes full when she really needed 4! By this time I was having a hot sweat and really felt like I was going to pass out, all whilst trying to keep an eye on my roaming toddler!! Mad!! Not had an experience like that before haha.

She is calling me tomorrow to give me my 12 week scan date il let you guys know when it is tomorrow :D
apart from the blood taking it sounds like a great appointment, I bet you are so excited let us know when your scan is,

I cant wait for my first appointment im like a kid
awww thts great, you shouldn't have to wait too long for ue scan then.

im dreading my bloods on friday

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