midwife appointment *pee question*


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
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who uses first morning urine? or do u just pee in a pot before appointment?

ive always done a pee in the pot before i leave home. and today i have glucose in pee, but she said its fine as its not my morning pee. but ive never used my morning pee and never had glucose in pee before so a little confused :think:
I don't think there is such a thing as FMU with me seeing as I go to the loo all night long LOL.

I usually have appointments at 9.30am though so I do a wee around 8.30am and take that with me.
I have been told not to use FMU, you should do a pee straight before your app was what i was told but collect the sample mid stream. I had glucose and protein in my wee every time i have been so far.... :rotfl:

I know if you have protein in you wee it can be that a little discharge has got in the sample and contaminated it which is why a mid stream sample helps.
kellysomer said:
I have been told not to use FMU, you should do a pee straight before your app was what i was told but collect the sample mid stream. I had glucose and protein in my wee every time i have been so far.... :rotfl:

I know if you have protein in you wee it can be that a little discharge has got in the sample and contaminated it which is why a mid stream sample helps.

I never realised for a long time that it should be mid-stream til about a month or so ago when I went and it showed a trace of protein and it was sent off and came back with "heavy growth culture" or something. It was nothing to worry about and was likely to be a bit of discharge in there (basically was contaminated) so she sent off another which was fine the fortnight later.

Since then I have been doing a mid-stream sample and it's been fine.

They never tell you these things though so how would you know!
I don't have to take it with me, she just gives me a stick to pee on while I'm there.
does anyone have a problem with peeing in those tiny bottles?
Its such a challenge for me....my arms are too short :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I've been struggling to pee in the pot recently. My bump gets in the way!
I also wee so frequently that when I do go it's a stupidly small amount. No chance of getting mid stream, my wees don't last long enough!
I always do a quick sample before leaving the house.
ok so shud i be worried there was glucose in my pee :shock:.... wasnt impressed with the whole appointment tbh... just as i was about to leave, she said well thats it now and next time i see her will be at home with baby :shock: :shock: :shock:

feel like im on my own now :cry: baby also isnt engaged, and back is on right side again :wall:
I think I *would* be concerned at glucose in your urine, but I'm no expert. My appointments are generally at 2pm so my sample's taken at about 1pm and it's NEVER had sugar in it (as far as I know!) even though it's part way through the day.

In answre to the other girls, YES I discovered this problem today. My bump was so in the way when I was peeing in the pot that I almost missed entirely and because I pee so often now I only collected 2/5 of a bottle.

Also, is it just me or is the concept of reusing the pee bottles REALLY minging? :puke:
paradysso said:
ok so shud i be worried there was glucose in my pee :shock:.... wasnt impressed with the whole appointment tbh... just as i was about to leave, she said well thats it now and next time i see her will be at home with baby :shock: :shock: :shock:

feel like im on my own now :cry: baby also isnt engaged, and back is on right side again :wall:

I said the same to my sister today that it really feels like a "oh get on with it and we will see what happens" situation sometimes. I don't see anyone now til 39+4 BUT if I'd had an appointment this week then that would be the same for me as it is for you - I'd not see anyone til I went into labour. I think it is terrible.

It would be nice to be monitored/given re-assurance in the last 2 weeks or so. What if you need a sweep etc? Then what? That worries me!

Sorry your appt wasn't that good. :( I'd have thought if the glucose was anything to worry about though that she would have done something? :?
thats really crap :( Ive never really known it to be fine to have glucose in your wee at any time of the day? She sounds like she was being dismissive as you havent got long to go :? Maybe give another one of the midwives a call and ask? try not to worry though hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

I always wee just before I go to midwife, like everyone else struggle with the pee in a pot :lol: I only ever do 2/5 of a bottle Bex as they dont need anymore than that, oh and I on purpose forget to pick up my bottle on the way out and collect fresh ones from the reception on the way out. Its not very 'green' of me but I like new bottles :D
I think you should get new ones every time anyway Sarah as the old ones are contaminated once they have been used. I always get given a new one and the old one goes in the bin whilst I'm there!
DebbieM said:
I think you should get new ones every time anyway Sarah as the old ones are contaminated once they have been used. I always get given a new one and the old one goes in the bin whilst I'm there!

Apparently not :? the midwife always gives them back to re-use them :lol: I think thats what Bex's does too? I thougth about that if they are contaminated? They arent sterile like the ones they send to the labv though - they have some sort of powder in them
If I remember when I wake at 6am to pee in the pot, I always do. But otherwise its any pee before I go.

Although I do try to remember not to eat or drink anything before peeing in it. Sometimes I've forgotten and its been ok still.

Peeing first thing in the morning is meant to be the best I was told.
Tillytots said:
DebbieM said:
I think you should get new ones every time anyway Sarah as the old ones are contaminated once they have been used. I always get given a new one and the old one goes in the bin whilst I'm there!

Apparently not :? the midwife always gives them back to re-use them :lol: I think thats what Bex's does too? I thougth about that if they are contaminated? They arent sterile like the ones they send to the labv though - they have some sort of powder in them

I'm like you tilly, with both my MW's I've resused the same pot since week 8. Just a case of bringing it home, pouring boiled water into and over it and lid, letting it dry and all done. Its not a problem. Those dip sticks cope fine with it.
I have to reuse mind too. Thats the savings on the NHS for you.
she did mutter to herself that it was after lunch so i had must of eaten, but i hadnt, and did tell her, but she seemed to ignore me.

ive also had the same pot since week 5 :shock:

im not getting a sweep as i wont be seeing a MW again unless the consultant does them? but last time i saw him i didnt like him either.

i just keep with the diy sweeps and hope baby comes soon

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