Midwife appointment - good but a little stressed now...


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Well the good parts were that cub is still in the perfect position, great heartbeat and now 3/5 engaged :dance: So definitely knows where the exit is! Urine was all fine too etc.

But my blood pressure was a bit high (borderline, she said) so she took it again and it had come down a bit. My blood pressure has fluctuated throughout pregnancy with no pattern whatsoever and will one week be low and the next be a little on the high side but it seems to have been a lot more accurate when taken with the handheld monitors and has always been perfect then. When it has read a little high, it has always come down when they've taken it again...

But as I'm getting close to the end, the MW today said if it stays like this during labour, I'll have to get an epidural as that will be my only chance of having a vaginal birth :( This really took me aback because only two weeks ago, my blood pressure was perfect again and even today it went down the second time she took it - surely there can be other factors for a high reading?

I think I just need to concentrate on me and cub being safe as the most important thing but feel a little stressed now and worried I'm doing something wrong which is raising my blood pressure especially because this is the first time they've actually spoken to me about it...
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glad all went well other than the BP

The stress alone of going to appointments can be enough to put up your BP so try not to worry too much about it or you will have it high again :)

Hopefully everything will be ok when ur in labour and you wont need the Epi, Althought u might want it anyway hehe
Sitting in a sterile environment worrying about whether your bp will be high again is not going to give them a good reading lol. If it's fluctuating you could always ask to take a digital monitor home and take it 3 times a day for a week. We did this for my OH when his went through the roof and it was perfect at home, he's since been diagnosed with White Coat Syndrome....in other words the person taking his blood pressure sent it soaring :roll:. So this could have something to do with it.

And from where I'm sitting any woman who is about to shove a watermelon out of a hole the size of a tampon and still has perfect blood pressure just aint human :D
Glad most things went with with your MW appointment this morning. Sorry you have the stress of high BP - I really doubt it is anything you are physically doing that has an effect. Sometimes these things cannot be explained. Try your best not to worry - as you said your BP seems to fluctuate a fair bit. It might be perfectly fine when labour kicks in, and I guess you won't know until that time.
I have platelet levels that fluctuate weekly, and I have been told there is nothing I am doing that can alter them. If they are too low when I go into labour I have been told I won't be able to have an epidural (so opposite problem to you!) because of the risk of bleeding - and that is a scary thought too... Cos I might really want one!! I guess we just have to stay positive, hope for the best, and ultimately know that whatever decisions are made for the best interest of us and our little ones. *big hugs* xx
Sitting in a sterile environment worrying about whether your bp will be high again is not going to give them a good reading lol. If it's fluctuating you could always ask to take a digital monitor home and take it 3 times a day for a week. We did this for my OH when his went through the roof and it was perfect at home, he's since been diagnosed with White Coat Syndrome....in other words the person taking his blood pressure sent it soaring :roll:. So this could have something to do with it.

And from where I'm sitting any woman who is about to shove a watermelon out of a hole the size of a tampon and still has perfect blood pressure just aint human :D

:rofl: Thanks ladies! You're totally right about not getting stressed which is what DH said and it's a silly thing to get stressed about if the worst case scenario is an epidural, I think it's because she just hasn't ever mentioned it to me before and pregnancy hormones are making me a little irrationally worried.

Good idea about taking the monitor home though... it may not have helped that this week she was upstairs for the first time and as soon as I'd waddled up I got called into the room!
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Glad most things went with with your MW appointment this morning. Sorry you have the stress of high BP - I really doubt it is anything you are physically doing that has an effect. Sometimes these things cannot be explained. Try your best not to worry - as you said your BP seems to fluctuate a fair bit. It might be perfectly fine when labour kicks in, and I guess you won't know until that time.
I have platelet levels that fluctuate weekly, and I have been told there is nothing I am doing that can alter them. If they are too low when I go into labour I have been told I won't be able to have an epidural (so opposite problem to you!) because of the risk of bleeding - and that is a scary thought too... Cos I might really want one!! I guess we just have to stay positive, hope for the best, and ultimately know that whatever decisions are made for the best interest of us and our little ones. *big hugs* xx

Thanks hon, you're completely right and as you said it's all the same as long as our babe are healthy at the end of it. Hope your platelets work themselves out as I agree it's reassuring to go into labour with all options (especially of pain relief!) are open :hugs:
Glad most things went with with your MW appointment this morning. Sorry you have the stress of high BP - I really doubt it is anything you are physically doing that has an effect. Sometimes these things cannot be explained. Try your best not to worry - as you said your BP seems to fluctuate a fair bit. It might be perfectly fine when labour kicks in, and I guess you won't know until that time.
I have platelet levels that fluctuate weekly, and I have been told there is nothing I am doing that can alter them. If they are too low when I go into labour I have been told I won't be able to have an epidural (so opposite problem to you!) because of the risk of bleeding - and that is a scary thought too... Cos I might really want one!! I guess we just have to stay positive, hope for the best, and ultimately know that whatever decisions are made for the best interest of us and our little ones. *big hugs* xx

Thanks hon, you're completely right and as you said it's all the same as long as our babe are healthy at the end of it. Hope your platelets work themselves out as I agree it's reassuring to go into labour with all options (especially of pain relief!) are open :hugs:

Thanks! Trying not to stress about it... What will be, will be on the day... As long as LO arrives safely that is the most important thing! :) xx
i'm sure it will be ok hun and you will get the birth you want :hugs: It wont be anything you are doing!!
Glad all went well apart from your BP!
Maybe you worry about what they will say when you see MW and thats why it goes up, maybe try and stay a little calmer, easier said then done though I think :)
Hope you get the birth you want and at the end of the day aslong as you and cub are fine thats all that matters. xxx

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