Mid wife today. Got to have emergency scan


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
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Saw midwife today. Wee, blood pressure is all fine but i got to have an emergency scan as im measuring small for dates.
1st week i got measured i was jsut below the line but dates were wrong on chart so new one sent and i was just on the line.
Last check i was just in the margin of ok, nad this time ive fell below the line again.
Got to have a scan Xmas Eve to see if its ok. She thinks its ok as the head is really in my pelvis and its curled up into a little ball.
I said i only want a tiny baby :lol: Not worried as it move alot still :D
Im only tiny anyways...i tried on my normal size 8 next jeans last night, i can still get into them and do them up :shock: :lol: was shocked, but my hips have gone out a bit.

Anyone else measuring small?
hope it goes ok for you hon, tho it sounds like you'll be fine :hug:

i didn't measure small before my pregnancy, so am definitely not measuring small now!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
I have never been told that i measure small but lots of people say how small i am. Like you i have a small frame was a size 8 and 7 1/2 st before i got pregnant.

At 35 weeks i got told that baby was only 4.5 lbs using a scan. But doctors told me that they are not accurate and that baby felt 'average' i expect something around 6.5lbs. I keep on being told that everything is real tight and that makes it harder to get a real good feel for things.

Am sure it will be ok. You look similar to what i did at your stage.

My bump is measuring at 36 weeks so im told but the baby is just above the 50th centile according to scans so hes not small at all!
Ah good luck- sure it will all be fine, the scan will put your mind at rest. I'm the opposite, I'm too big! baby is on big side too but seeing it on the scan helped, remember that all of these measurements are subjective and make sure you feel reassured before you leave appointment. xx
Cheers guys, i think it'll be fine too. Will be nice to see lo xmas eve again and see how much its grown from 20weeks!
They have to check lots of things like flow to the umbilical cord, the fluids etc.
Fingers crossed it will all be ok.

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