Mid September 2ww

hey cupcake it might even be u with the bfp!!

just realised im posting alot tonight, oh not home yet so a bit ott on here :) hope u guys dont mind me typing away!! :) (7 out of 12 posts on this page :shock:)
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According to countdown to pregnancy only 20% of ppl testing at 12dpo would be negative.

So 80% should show up, even if a faint pos.

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Haha this thread is heading in a different direction now. Lol.

I told my mum today I might get a bfp this month. She got all smiley bless her.

When we get into bed I'm going to outright ask DH "do you think I'm pregnant?" and see what he says....
Mine jus said "dunno babe" whilst playing ps3....

Pah, men!

Errr did I? Brains all mushy today?!!!

Not just my brain then lol!

lets blame it on pg symptoms lol!

Also - Kanga. You aren't chatting too much at all!!

I was worried I was though!!
Do any of you ladies have pets?

If so are they treating you any differently?

My female cat is sitting on me a lot more. But then it has got a bit colder and she's a snuggler.
Asked DH what he thinks.

He said "I dunno!"

And the paused and smiled and said "Maybe it's twins."

God I hope not!! Lol.

He'd love twins. My body and sleep would not!!
Do any of you ladies have pets?

If so are they treating you any differently?

My female cat is sitting on me a lot more. But then it has got a bit colder and she's a snuggler.

No but I've been really uncomfortable when my wee girl cat lies on my tummy, and that's where she always lies without a problem. I feel like I need to protect my stomach instinctively and really don't like her lying there.

But apparently cats and dogs can sense these things - although mine clearly thinks my potential offspring need sat on in order to hatch!
Awww. That's good for a baby I recon.

When I am pregnant I'm going to get mine to purr on my belly. :)

My cat has has a litter of kittens before she was rescued so I think she'll understand pregnancy and babies a little bit. X
I love getting into bed bit taking my bra off is not fun at the minute. :(

Have to lie on my back too.

And I have a really really itchy nipple.

I want to scratch it but know DH will try and get involved and I don't really want him on them!
My cat has has a litter of kittens before she was rescued so I think she'll understand pregnancy and babies a little bit. X

Mine hasn't as she was speyed early on, but when we got our wee boy kitten she got all maternal even though she's only 2 years older than him! She pulls him over and gives him a bath, and clouts him on the head if he's bad :p

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