Mid September 2ww

I love getting into bed bit taking my bra off is not fun at the minute. :(

Have to lie on my back too.

And I have a really really itchy nipple.

I want to scratch it but know DH will try and get involved and I don't really want him on them!

Haha, get involved heehee.

Yeah I can't lie on my side due to the boobage either. I'm only wearing soft bras and sports bras at the moment, but still have to let them out gently.
Awwww thats so cute.

Ours get along ok but no washing or cuddling. :( I wish they would.
sorry ladies oh return home with food!! Yummy! full and sicky now though especially after eating so late.

i have two rabbits but they are outside so dont really get to notice if they are acting differently or not to me.

AS for twins cupcake i would love them! im a twin myself so would love the relationship and closeness between my lo's, as i have with my sister
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According to countdown to pregnancy only 20% of ppl testing at 12dpo would be negative.

So 80% should show up, even if a faint pos.


does that mean ur testing tomorrow then, when ur ic's turn up? :)
My dad has decided we're having twins, he keeps talking about it. He doesn't even know we're ttc!!
Twins run in the family, my nana and here grandmother, and in dh's family too apparently!!
Oooh Leesey and Kanga how exciting you both have twins in the family!!

Of course I'd be overjoyed. One of my best friends is a twin and she loves it too, but I'm just not sure I'd cope very well!!
Right girlies I'm off to sleep.

So you can all have break from my incessant nattering! Lol.

Plus the sooner I sleep the sooner I can poas!!

Night xx
Right girlies I'm off to sleep.

So you can all have break from my incessant nattering! Lol.

Plus the sooner I sleep the sooner I can poas!!

Night xx

Lol, we're all nattering quite a bit tonight!!

Night night xx
Just poas about a minute ago.

Waiting for a line but I've got a feeling there won't be one.

I'll say this for the 2ww - I never struggle to get up in the morning!!
Nope. Definitely a bfn.

And I think AF will arrive today or tomorrow as I've got a bit more spotting.

So I'm tentatively declaring myself out! :(
Morning girlies!!

How is everyone??

I cant poas till my delivery arrives :( boooo.

I think i'm out.

Just been to the loo and when i wiped there was a load of ewcm tinged with a light pink.

Af must be on her broom waiting to get me :(

How very strange ladies, I got a bfn this morning too and some pinky discharge! Does that mean after all this we are nearly all out? :( let's hope leesey has better news :)
I'm so disappointed for us :(

I got a bfn on the IC again, of course, but used the morrisons one fmu as well. Don't really know how to read it properly and if you're supposed to see a line where the strip is. What do you think?


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Awww ladies. :( How poop. :(

Leesey I can't see anything I'm afraid. But I'm looking on my phone.

DH has found the silver lining and is very excited for next months SMEP already. Lol.
I can see the line u mean, how long after doing the test did u take the pic, possibly an evap? I'm not sure xx
It was after about 8 minutes, but then I ripped it open after ten and nothing there as far as I can see. Oh well!!

I'm feeling disheartened again and think that life is a bit cruel to get our hopes up like that just to take them away again :(

I'm feeling crappy anyway, totally choked with the cold now too :cry:
Am surprisely ok about my bfn today, not sure why gonna try and keep my mind off it the 2ww and symptoms today. I'm sure I will still poas tomorrow but not going to get my hopes up for a bfp this cycle. Just want the witch to show now so I can get started on next months SMEP plan. Xx
I wish I could be as calm as you kanga, I feel like it's all I'm thinking about from when I wake up til I go to bed. I think when AF comes I'm just going to feel so let down, even moreso because DH has been so aware of my symptoms this month and it kind of got my hopes up.

I suppose it will just make it easier next month, as I will be well aware that I can get all the symptoms under the sun and still have no bean in there :( .

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