meningitis type rash!! (updated)


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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hi all,

was at the hospital all day yesterday. an ambulance came because eva developed a purple rash that didnt disappear under a glass. it was awfuk :(

she was seen by 3 different doctors, then they took blood tests from her little hands and put a thing for a drip in incase we had to stay in hospital. they couldnt get blood out of one of her hands so had to do it again in ther other. she was very brave bless her - even with 4 people holding her down.

anyway the results came back saying she has a virus - dont know what. at least its not meningitis though!! :roll:

Oh dear... what a worrying time! I hope she gets better soon. Glad it's not M!!!
It's heartbreaking when our little ones have to get blood taken or drip put in. My daughter was also so brave, it made me cry.

Thinking of you!
Emilia xx
OMG hun u must have been so scared i am glad it isnt menningitus, and i hope she gets better as soon as possible!
does she have any other symptoms? are they trying to find out wot virus it is?
oww hun u must have been so scared hows eva now? Harleys just getting over his viral infection
Blimey hun :shock:

Poor you, hope she is feeling much better now hun.

Oh hunni you must have been sooooooooo worried, poor you. Glad its not meningitis, hope all is well soon xxx
thanks, she slept all night so must have been shattered after yesterday. she is quite whingey today and has dihorrea but apart from that she seems ok. they gave me more calpol for her.

i was just weird cos they were saying 'she is fine BUT she will have to be monitored for a few hours' and 'she is fine BUT she needs a drip in her arm and here is what will happen if you have to stay in'! then they were talking amongst themselves about how the rash looked like a meningitis type rash so they needed blood tests.

don't think they know what virus she has. did they know what harley had dionne? i was wondering how he is doing!

Oh dear Tori, I'm sorry that Ella is poorly. Very glad it's not Meningitis. *HUG* You hang in there.

crikey what a worring time, glad its not M and hope she gets better soon xx
gosh that must have been so scary for you hun, glad your little one is ok and it wasnt anything too serious.
:shock: am so glad its not meningitis and that the hospital took you seriously. Hope your wee girl is better very soon and that you are ok too xx
I went through a similar experience with my son a few months ago, it was terrifying, and I really feel for you. They never really found out what the problem was with him, they said they thought it might be an infection in the ears and/or throat, but there was very little inflammation in either place, certainly not enough to expect such a severe rash/very high spiking temperatures/cold feet/sleepiness.

He was back to his normal self again after about a week. Hope your littl'un gets better quickly too.
ToriElla said:
don't think they know what virus she has. did they know what harley had dionne? i was wondering how he is doing!


they never said :think:

but i didnt have to take him the hospital he was covered in a rash but it DID disapear with the glass.
he also had a very bad dry cough, and sickness, when i seen the doc i said he has a terrible cough and sickness and now this rash, she looked at him and said the cough has caused him to get a viral infection???? dont no what that means? has eva had a cough or cold or any thing?
is she on antibiox for the viral rash? Harleys just finished his course for the week they gave him bad diarea
she had a sore throat last week and conjunctivitis :think: they didn't give her any antibiotics. i've got to monitor her for a while and make sure she is ok

only just saw this thread, so glad it's not the dreaded M...hope she's all better soon xxx
OMG how scary :( Hugs for you both
hope she's better soon!

Poor girl she sounds real brave though hope she is doing okay .
thanks everyone.

she has sickness and dihorrea and high temperature now and then. i'm hoping she picks up soon.

here is what the rash looks like:


the photo doesnt really show how purple it is.

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