

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I love my fella so much but he is skating on thin ice. Im not about to give up and leave him maybe just kick his backside a bit.

Last night he rang and said is it ok if he goes and watches the football match. Normally I wouldnt mind but we only had ten pound left till he got paid (today) and our cupboads are bare. He went anyway.

He came home hammered and he tried to tell me he got in that state off ten pound. I said what ever. I wont argue with him when he is drunk.

When he is drunk I cant sleep becasue I am always looking out for me getting out of bed or choking on his own sick. When he does get out of bed I have to make sure he goes to the toilet for a wee (you know what I mean).

This morning I asked him again where did he get the money from to get drunk off. He said he got a tab. I could have hit the roof if I wasnt so tired after him keeping me up all night.

He is so selfish at times and he has his priorities all wrong. Im really worried things are gonna be like this when the baby is born. I dont know if I will be able to cope.

Thanks for reading just needed to vent
He needs more then a kick up the ass babes, have a pop at him and tell him hes being selfish, cos that behaviour is out of order!
My bloke as good as he ius needs the occasional boot up the ass and things settle again.

Just sit down and have a chat with him and if he dont agree with you, then issue and warrent a few threasts :D :rotfl:
My daughter is going to her nanna's to day so we will have a good chat.

The thing is I tell him how I feel (even do the crying routine) he changes for a few days but then goes back to his selfish ways

Maybe I should tie a boot aboud his neck so it dangles down to him bum and then programme it to boot him really hard when he starts being a selfish *&^%. Would be good if these things did exsist. The inventer would be a millionair
Awww my hubby was the same until Arianna arrived and now I just tell him he has to think of her not himself.

Boot his arse and tell him to wise up!!

Do you want an honest reply? Kick him out next time he does it. Tell him you will do it if he does it again and when he does- kick him out. You already have one child. This one coming won't make any difference. Then when he asks to come back - say you're not'll only happen again..Tell him you'd rather be alone than put up with all this and out your children through this. When my DH first started living with me he was like this (only with drink though - any drugs and I wouldn't have allowed him around my child) because his ex wife had put up with it. I didn't. He learnt. But unless you mean what you say - he'll carry on forever - after all there's no incentive to change if he isn't that bothered about upsetting you. (think toddler training - empty threats do more damage than nothing)
Be warned though..he may stay away so you are taking a risk. So I guess the question is would you rather have him and put up with this? - which is entirely your choice although I'd be worried about this around your children. Or do you want to take a risk but stop it?

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