

Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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:hugs:This is a good thread :)

just wanted to show appreciation to all those great men in our lives..

my OH just spent an hour massaging my feet..

now his upstairs playing xbox relaxing after his hard day at work..

just wanted to share how lucky i feel.. (getting all soppy)

sorry girls hehe

kylie x
Aw they can be nice sometimes!! When my OH isn't taking the piss calling me a whale, he has been taking me out for romantic things!!
Aw they can be nice sometimes!! When my OH isn't taking the piss calling me a whale, he has been taking me out for romantic things!!

aww.. u look nothing like a whale, you look glam in your pic.. men just think there funny when there so not lol x
Grrr mine is pissing me right off. Have asked him all night to put my bedroom curtains back up and I get 'i'll do it in a bit' he's on the laptop half asleep and I swear I'll strangle him if he falls asleep!! :wall2:

Sorry lol
Grrr mine is pissing me right off. Have asked him all night to put my bedroom curtains back up and I get 'i'll do it in a bit' he's on the laptop half asleep and I swear I'll strangle him if he falls asleep!! :wall2:

Sorry lol

hehe aww hun, u should keep nagging him.. or say " ill do it then when i should be relaxing" he should then say no ill do it now.. x
I would but he would go ahead and let me do it.. He's crap! Lol

Hope you enjoyed your massage, sounds lush!
My bloke has my dinner on the table, washing in the machine and the house immaculate every night when I come home. I love him so much, he is fabulous. He's going to be such a good dad too. :)
Yeah mine can be lovely too! Just wish I didnt have to ask him to be first! lol
Oh Hun this is an appreciation thread and I've come on with doom and gloom about mine.. Sorry :blush:
Oh Hun this is an appreciation thread and I've come on with doom and gloom about mine.. Sorry :blush:

lol nope, u should let ur steam out.. still all for the girls :dance: u should give him evils for not doing as you've asked :shakehead:

say to him the girls on PF are very disappointed in him lol x
my OH dont do much to help me but he does work 7 days a week gets up 5 am and gets home between 6-8 every night so he does atleast 11 hours day everyday to help me with money.

I moan cuz hes always tired, snor before he puts his head down, rarely does the washing up but god im so proud that he is a hard working man (my ex never bothered to even look for a job)

So even if im 36 weeks preggo, dont get 1 hours massages :( and dont have dinner on the table, i do apprichiate what he does and i dont mind looking after him :cloud9:
Ah good on you isobel84!

I'm the one working 8-8 every day at least and he knows I'm only doing it so we get by when I'm off so he looks after me.
i love men!

what a good thread!
Im gonna raise my little man to be hard working and to look after his woman!! :D

i said to OH last night "lets hope Noa meets a girl like me, only the best will do for him"
Oh just looked at me and said "lets hope not, he would never get a quiet moment and would be so worn out he would have to retire before hes 30"
I really appreciate my man tonight!

We had a friends husband come round to kindly advise us on the house, and he wouldn't listen to me at all, just kept listening to the first 3 words and then cutting back to my hubby.

where actually I do all the DIY here ! I bit my toungue aftetr the third atempt to get my idea accross about tiling under the loo, as we really need his help, and he is very kind to offer, but then snuck in my sugestion again realy quickly and he then went oh yes well yes you can do it that way actually, ok.

When he left ,even my OH said , and he hardley ever picks up on stuff like that - what a shovi, and boy do I love my really modern husband , who lets me do anything I want and wouldn't dare try to stop me!

Good thread Isolbel
hehe i still think all those men that are out there working to bring up there children and been there for the girls are great!!

as much as we think we're going through it all, they are too (mood swings) lol x
when we were at the parentclass i checked out all other bumps and when we got out i said to oh " :( my bump was the smallest there wasnt it?"
hes answer
" aww babe dont worry about it, you might have had the smallest bump but you def had the biggest bum :D "

always knows how to cheer me up..

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