Men not wanting sex during or after pregnancy??

My hubby wont dtd with me :( he tells me most days that he still finds me attractive. His problem is he doesn't like the thought of his bits being near our LO! I did have a few tantrums to start with as my sex drive was sky high!! But I respect his decision now and how he feels at the moment.

I keep telling myself good things come to those who wait lol
We've literally only done it twice since I got pregnant! Unfortunately the baby kicked him (tummy to tummy) and he freaked out and wont try again. He says I look beautiful and isnt turned off, just can't do it with the baby there. Most annoying, but my drive has always been much higher than his, he isnt that bothered normally, bah humbug. On the other hand we stay very physically close with massages and cuddles all the time, so I'm not too worried.

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