Mega TMI!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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I didn't tear or anything during labour and have felt fairly normal down there from about 2 weeks after Lizzie's birth. So I was considering trying sex again last week (My poor OH has been very good and doesn't mind but I wanna jump him now my hormones have settled :whistle: ). I decided to have a little 'investigate' beforehand and discovered I can now feel my cervix (I could never really find it before), and it seems to be dilated??
Is this normal?
Can we try sex anyway or will he end up poking his willy where it doesn't belong? lol
Should I just leave it a bit longer to move up a bit? :wall2:
My 6 week check isn't actually until 8 weeks so it'll be a while till I see a doctor.
ohh this sounds mad, I can't help but would be interested to know the answer I haven't had sex yet either and hubby doesnt seem keen, he says its dangerous as I produce gremlins :-( meaning Alex
Not sure... I haven't plucked up the courage to have sex yet but have had a feel around and it feels quite tight (hope the doctor didn't stitch me up too tight!) and inside it feels like there's something in the waty before my cervix. I'm assuming it's just all my pelvic floor which needs tuning up... will ask at my post-natal check next week.

As for my cervix, I haven't felt whether it's open or not...
i cant offer any advice cos i didnt feel mine in pregnancy or after, lol

but at my 6wk check (ended up at 4 1/2 weeks it was a chat, no examination no nothing,

we had sex after 3wks and allthough on entering it was painful, nothing else was,i had 10 stitches :-/ but now nearly 8wks later it feels better to me, so im guessing that my insides are back to normal again, lol

you could always try it with ur mister n stop if it hurts, make sure ur really relaxed and calm tho, oh and babys in a deep sleep, cos theres nothing else worse to stop the mood!! lol


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