Mega confused!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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I have a usual 28 day cycle so from my records I should ov on day 14 I have done opks since day 12 and not had a positive or any lines at all. All that shows is the control line, there was a very faint line this morning but not a positive as you could hardly see it. I'm now cd15. Is it possible I had my surge in the night? Or I ov'd earlier than cd12? I'm sooo confused! Any anyone had a 28 day cycle and have a late ov?x

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According to my cbfm I ov'd on cd9/10 this month so I think it must be possible to ov earlier than least I hope so! X

TTC our first baby since 6th Jan 2012
poppy are you on a proper brand opk now or still on the cheapies? in your other thread (well im sure it was you!!) i said about how i can never get any results on cheapies but am always fine on clearblue first responce boots and superdrug.

if its not an issue with the opks, dont worry. it is possibel to ov later soe months, it just means that your cycle will be longer. how it work is that the tiem between period and ov is variable but the time from ov to next period (leutal phase) is consistnet.
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poppy are you on a proper brand opk now or still on the cheapies? in your other thread (well im sure it was you!!) i said about how i can never get any results on cheapies but am always fine on clearblue first responce boots and superdrug.

if its not an issue with the opks, dont worry. it is possibel to ov later soe months, it just means that your cycle will be longer. how it work is that the tiem between period and ov is variable but the time from ov to next period (leutal phase) is consistnet.

Yes it was me on the other post. I don't have any others to use at the moment so though I would keep trying, because I got the really faint line I thought they were working but when I tried again it was gone. I will try the first response ones next month so I can double check.

Just one thing I'm confused about, if I ov early does it mean my period will arrive early? Same if I ov late will my period be late? Thanks x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9700 using Tapatalk
I am not sure how it works hun and I would be interested to know.

I have a 30 day cycle bang on and only started using OPK's this month (got a + on CD15) so I'll use them for a few months and see if I ov at the same time each month.

I am guessing you can ov earlier or later without having much difference to your cycle length though?

The best thing to do is next month use OPK's every day to truly gauge how early or late you Ov!

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Hiya, its a common myth apparently that just coz you on a 28 day cycle you ov cd 14. I have been bding around cd 14 as im on a 28/30 day cycle and this is the first month i have been really paying attention to my cm and I think i ov'd cd 9/10.
I looked into it and apparently its really common for woman to ovulat as early as cd 6 and as late as cd 30!!
So you may have ov'd or just not yet....
im 28 days and i ov cd16/17 so just keep testing hun
yip - if you ov early your period will be early and vice versa. the tiem period from ov to period is consistent.

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