meeting in london

I'd like to meet up with you all too.

Will pm one of you in a bit to get details, and then see if I can make it.

Awesome!!! This is going to really funny, it will be like a mass invasion into London of mommies and babies!!! Just wondering is anyone planning to take the train into Kings Cross (as I see there are a few of you living out in Hertfordshire)? If so could you pm me as I'd like to take the train but I've never done public transport with baba (I know that sounds lame!!!!!) and love to be able to commute with another mommy if poss :oops: !
Especially when it comes to using the underground - I've seen it only to often moms and push chairs in the underground don't really work hand in hand!!!! :|
Ive only ever been on a train once and that was on my own when i was 16, now thats over 20 odd years ago :rotfl: Im crapping myself about a train trip with tia but will be worth the fun when we get there. Isnt welwyn the other side of stevenage? I dont travel much, can u tell? lol :rotfl: :rotfl: xx
Kayzee, your post made me feel better! As I did use the underground up to a month before having Otis, which was when we moved out to Welwyn Garden City. Stevenage is about 15/20 mins away from me, not sure if the trains run through the same station, will investigate!
God helps us, we'll probably end up causing major disruption on the trains and underground!!!! :rotfl:
Can I note that there is only select tube stations in London with disabled/pushchair access at the tube slings or bus might be easier...
Yeah Lucy wasn't sure if you'd be up for it with Tom being so young - I'd probably have been to chicken. Great I really look forward to this mass meeting!!!! :cheer:
i have been on underground with ellis before... its a pain but you can bump the buggy down the steps.
keely hun are you gonna come?? please come
i'd love to meet you and Ellis!

cant this time hun cos i am skint but thanks for asking me :hug:

aww..i know the feeling i'm skint as anything!
single mummy now :(
maybe another time :)
i have worked out the route and all being well i shall b there!!! :dance:
i have to work out my route can somone please PM me where we're meeting..ta xx
I'm coming too! Can someone let me have the details too please - thanks :D
I think we are meeting up about 11 o'clock on the 22nd february and i got sent this as a link to where we are going i hope this helps! xx

We are meeting at Latimer Road Station on the Hammersmith and City line and are going here:
I really would like to come along but wont be able to this time due to getting there, people are saying they are getting the train but i think it will be too much for me to carry Harrys buggy, him & changing bag all onto the train :( Thankyou though

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