Meeting in London

cassi said:
Sorry hun I must of missed that, il re read the topic :)....

We haven't written the place we are all meeting and going on here just in case any wierdos might be looking at the site. I'll Pm you :)
skatty said:
I'm going to bring a buggy, please come! Where are you coming from? We'll all manage, other people do :wink:

Bishop's Stortford about 45mins away from Liverpool Street, I really want to come but im a very shy self concious person and getting on a bus on my own with Harry here is hard for me let alone in London where the buses are chocca, Where abouts were you all going to meet?
I am meeting Em (Katy's mummy) at Waterloo but I can definitely meet you somewhere before hand if you want?
Princess Puddles I have looked at the tube map and I can go meet Em and then we can come and meet you at Liverpool Street and then onto our destination :D
That sounds like a good idea, if you dont mind doing that, but would we be getting undeground or bus to our destination lol, i'm think about buying Harry a stroller to make it a lil bit easier because this is the buggy i have for Harrison & folding it up etc would be a pain. I'm gonna see before i make any promises yet though!
We'll be getting the tube. I'm not shy so I will ask if we need help with our pushchairs ( no need to buy a buggy especially for the day!). Don't not come for any reason like being nervous or shy please :hug:
Ok thankyou Skatty, i have PM'd you asking for the details etc.. i will let you know i the next day or so if i'm coming for sure, i really want to i just got to pluck up the courage lol.
Perhaps I'll make the next London meet-up! I've only just joined the forum so don't know any of you ladies but think the meet up's are a great idea. Let me know future dates!! xx
i will politely ask for help with my pram if there no lifts or escalators otherwise i will put my baby on loudspeaker screaming which will scare people into action lol!!
mummykay said:
i will politely ask for help with my pram if there no lifts or escalators otherwise i will put my baby on loudspeaker screaming which will scare people into action lol!!

:rotfl: That's the way to do it!!

Nicola, we aren't meeting until the 22nd feb so you can still come along if you are free. Wlcome to the forum and congrats on your pregnancy :hug:

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