medical management of missed miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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I have just underwent medical management of a missed miscarriage that was detected at my dating scan.

I bled a lot with the pessaries but the nurse says that they did not detect 'the product' in amongst all the clots etc. At the scan they think the baby probably died at about 7-8w or so but the sac etc kept growing and producing hormone which was why I still had the pregnancy signs.

Has anyone else been through this?

I can't believe that there can be anything left inside after the amount of blood etc that came out and I keep thinking that the bean would just look like a tiny blood clot anyway and could be easily missed. I am hoping when I go back in 2w for a scan they will say that it is all clear and that it is just a precaution for them.

Also- how long do you normally bleed?- there is just really light flow today and no clots now

When would your cycle normally start again?

Can you start ttc right away if you feel up to it?

The hospital weren't that helpful in that respect.

Sorry for the long winded post but it is just easier to ask on here than the docs :oops:
Hi Fothers,

I have had 2 missed miscarriages.

With my first I had medical management. I was around 9.5wks Pg but the baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks. I was told to leave it for 2 weeks just in case it grows and my dates were wrong.
I knew my dates were right so I knew my baby had died.
I went back two weeks later and it hadn't grown.
I was asked if I wanted Medical Management, ERPC or to wait.
So I waited another 2 weeks to see if I could pass it naturally but my body wouldn't let me.

I went in on the saturday morning and had the tablets inserted into my cervix and nothing happened, I was lay on the bed reading bored as I'd sent OH home so he wouldn't be bored :roll:

I had the second tablets after about 4/6 hours can't quite remember but that's when things started to happen.
I had really bad period pains and was doubled over I was actually sat in tears with the pain trying not to make a fuss.
They gave me pethedine but that didn't take the pain away it just made me woozy.

They gave me some of their really thick panty liners and everytime I went to the toilet I had to go in a bed pan over the loo so the nurses could see what I'd passed :oops:

They did warn me that there'd be a lot of blood and I did lose a lot with clots but I don't know if I lost the baby that day or after.

They tried to make me stay overnight but I wanted to go home to my own bed so they let me at about 8.00pm.
I didn't tell them that 10mins before they gave me the ok to home Id thrown up but think that was the pethidine :?

I bled heavily for about 5 days and then just light bleeding and eventually spotting in total just less than 2 weeks.
The first day I had no bleeding was the same day as my 2 week appointment.

Where I was given an interal scan and everything was clear. The sonographer said I was mid way through my cycle but my period started properly about 3.5 weeks after that scan.

I was told not to have sex until the bleeding had stopped but "advised" to wait until my first period had arrived before trying again. But that's only so you know your dates.

You may want to wait until you have the scan again in 2weeks just so you know you're all empty and ready to go, so to speak.

I don't think you would actually see your little baby being passed, if it stopped growing a couple of weeks ago the chances are it's already started to break down. It's a horrible thought but at least you won't see it come out :cry:

Sorry for my long winded post. (You thought yours was long :wink:)

Take Care of yourself and try again whenever you feel ready :hug: I feel a stronger person since going through all this, I hope you will too.

Feel free to PM me or ask any thing else I'll try to help you.

Charm X
The bed pan is certainly an experience! At one point I was bleeding so hard that I was trying not to dribble on the floor as I postioned myself over the toilet and a big clot fell out before I got the bowl in position and I had to fish out out the toilet :puke:

I also felt sick/diarrhoea like when the contractions started and they gave me an anti sickness jab which helped a lot and stung like hell but worked quickly.

My oh went home for a couple hours as he had some work that needed to be finished for today so thankfully he missed the worst of the blood bath as he is really squeamish.

Like you say- I think that experience can only make you stronger
At least your seeing the positive side, which is good :hug:

Don't think I could have fished a clot out of the loo though :puke:

It sounds to me as though you may have lost most of your "contents" whilst in the hospital. So hopefully you won't have much bleeding and your AF should come in around 4-6 weeks they reckon.

It's just a matter of time...we will get there, one day at a time.

Charm X
I am trying to stay positive- at least I know I can get pregnant etc though I am sure I will have some down days as well.

Thanks for sharing your experience- this forum is really a great help :hug:
Hi fothers, firstly im so sorry for what ur going through at the min, its a terrible thing to happen to a woman!
I had a missed miscarriage in april of this yr unfortunatly i was 14 wks when i started to bleed when goin for scan i was told baby had died week before, i was booked into have a d & c 2 days later but decided to go natural why ill never know???? it took a week for me to start m/c properly i woke in pain and had a pop sensation then i past my little bean i actually seen it :( i then past a few clots, bled quite heavy after that so i rang epu who weren't that helpful just told me if i was worried to ring an ambulance :shock: so i sat on loo till bleeding had calmed down (my poor OH didnt have a clue what to do) anyway i bled lightly for 1 wk and half after, then returned for rescan, all ok.
Had my 1st AF 4 wks after, was told to wait for 1st cycle before TTC as to know dates etc but we tried more or less after bleeding stopped. We are still TTC now but it will happen one day i know!
Also give yourself time to grieve it does take a while some days now 6 mnths on i still feel weepy for my lost bean.

Gosh so sorry for my long post i have no idea where that all came from :lol:

Good luck in the future hun
Hi hun i am so sorry for your loss i bleed for a few days after wards was in a bit of pain but i had a D and C when i had my scan and saw the baby but no heartbeat. Hope you are ok look after yourself x x :hug: :hug:
Im sorry for your loss Fothers. :cry: I had a missed miscarriage april 05 and my bean died at aprox 7 weeks but I didnt get any investigations as to why it happened . I was under a lot of stress from work and my mum almost died from alcoholism in hospital but was over the moon that I was pregnant. I remember spotting at work and the girls telling me to go to A & E so I did and they did an internal and told me that my cervox was closed and I had a cervical evosion and not to worry. The bleeding got worse and they did another internal which brought it on more although i had no pains so I didnt worry as i thought it was the cervix. That noght i had these awful contractions like constipation pains and i was in agony so was rushed to A & E again and they said i had a threatened miscarriage and to go home and rest and booked me in for an early scan.

Just before my scan I remember listening to a song from the Phamtom of the Opera and rubbing my tummy to tell my bean to hang on in there. I went to see my niece in a ballet show saturday and they danced to the same song so I cryed my eyes out. :cry: I dont think you will ever get over it and I bought a tropical fish in memory , which died a week ago on day which my baby would have been 1!

Anyway, I went for my scan to find I didnt have enough fluid to do the scan so I had to have an internal scan which i was then used to after so many. :roll: The heartbeat had stopped but my bean was still in tact so i was asked if i wanted to miscarry natually or have a D & C. I was in pain so went to A & E again to get some pain killers and the nurse asked me if I wanted her to bring on my miscarriage and she pulled out handfuls of cells from me and gave me a pesary. That woman put me off sex for months after that and I went for another scan to check if the miscarriage was complete but it wasnt so i decided to be brave and have a D &C and my sisters baby is due the day i had my D & C! :(

I feel like I am driving myself mad for thinking of these dates and loo
king into things too much but i cant help thinking im jinked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for my loooooooooooooooong post too but just wanted to let you know my experiance and you are not alone as many of us have been through this horrible time. It has made me stronger but also more paronoid and sensitive.

it didnt take me long to get my cycle back to normal as i think the pill made me quite regular and i remember having a heavy bleed for about 5 days too and then I stopped trying for a few months from the trauma and i changed jobs and decided to stop trying for another 3 months so i have been trying for almost a year now and im getting worried and impatient. i hope you can look to the future and be happy again soon. :hug:
Thank you all for your support and hope you are all ok after your horrible experiences.

My mum was here over the last few days but has had to go back home now (she lives in Scotland) and OH has had to go to work today so I am in on my own and feeling a bit down :cry:

I might go and visit a friend for coffee if she is in to pass a hour or so and get out the house.

Thanks everyone :hug:
:hug: :hug: Hi lisa,
Go to your friends if thats what you feel,
Being alone or being with friends, do as you feel you need to..Thank you for your PM's and the support you have given, if i can return it please let me know.... :hug: take care doll....enjoy your coffee.
Lv Yvonne xx
Hi Fothers

So sorry to hear your the sad news of your lost bean....but I'm so glad to hear you talking on the forum. Don't force yourself to do too much too soon. Take time to cry and grieve, although as Sophie says you'll find you have weepy days for some time to come. I know I have.

I hope you and your OH have had time together to talk it over and talk about the future. I was lucky with my DH in that respect - he stayed at home with me for most of the first week. It helps now when I'm sad to be able to explain to him why I feel the way I do. He was certainly not as affected by it as me, but I think he tries really hard to see where I am with it.

You will fall again, and hopefully soon. I only had to wait 5 or 6 months, not long really. And I think I'm right in thinking x-kirsty-x fell pg straight away. Hope you'll stick around the forum anyway whatever happens :hug:

Peanut xxx
Sorry to hear about your loss. I suffered a missed miscarriage on 2nd August this year when I was 11 weeks pregnant.

I was only offered the ERPC procedure - nothing else was an option for me.

It has hit me much harder than I ever imagined it would. I am now off work with stress. I'm seeing another doctor at my practice tomorrow mornng (as I'm never going to speak to my own GP again) and I am going to ask him to sign me off for a month and then I am going to hand in my notice. The stress of my job is too much for me to cope with at the moment and I have a boss who shouts so loud he absolutely terrifies me. I am a nervous wreck.

I have read so many positive stories in this forum of how ladies cope with the absolute worst things life can throw at them. It gives me the courage to get up in the morning and carry on.

We are thinking of you. Thank goodness for this forum.

Sorry to hear your story fruityloop- hope you start to feel better soon.:hug:

I have been quite down last night and this morning but am not feeling just so bad at moment. I guess until it happens you can't imagine the emptiness that you feel

I hope you are feeling a little brighter today and one day you will be happy again and be able to look forward. They say things happen for a reason and your body and mind wasnt ready but it doesnt make things any easier. :( You may feel upset everytime you have a period as it then hits you and I still get upset after 18 periods!

I remember that I wanted some answers as to why it happened and I beat myself up over it from being stressed to overdoing it! I just remember being told that it wasnt anything i did that caused this to happen but the baby wasnt developing. I too blamed work and changed jobs as nothing mattered to me after my miscarriage and my job meant everything to me before. It made me realise that there is more to life and to not worry about silly things as when something awful happens to you it makes you stronger.

give yourself time to grieve and be good to yourself. :hug: x

I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my baby on th 18th October so i can understand in some way how you are feeling.

I have been signed off work for 2 weeks but cant see me going back to work for a while. I think it really important to put yourself first and get your body sorted without feeling guilty.

I went for reflexology yesterday. I had it last year after a misscarriage and i think it may have helped regulate my cycle.

Chat soon

I have had a couple of missed miscarriages, and really recommend the ERCP operation.

1. Its all over very quick with minimal discomfort.
2. The bleeding and cramps are very mild.
3. There is peace of mind that everything has been removed, so no nasty bed pan checking.

JUst my advice. :hug:

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