measuring your bump


Kimbo, are you the one on the left of your photo, or the right? Just want to compare my bump to yours.


... oh yeh...never mind measurements!... let's talk about how much weight everyone's put on!! I weighed myself at the start of my pregnany, and now, at 28 weeks...I've put on a bloody stone!!....Definitely keep my weight a secret from my husband even more now!!! :rotfl:

..must...stop..eating...cheese....and home made rice pudding......and anything based on dairy products!! :rotfl: ....including Twirls!!
8 inches lol..

cant do my wrist.. the tape measure said no lol
zoe...... im the one in black and grey top!
my bump always looks bigger in that top though...
ive put on one and a half stone exactly :D dont know why im smiling......... lol
I don't have a tape measure :( but I have bog roll- I am 8 squares round the bump now- was 7 to start with :D
fothers said:
I don't have a tape measure :( but I have bog roll- I am 8 squares round the bump now- was 7 to start with :D


hahha u girls crack me up..:)

ive put on 3 stone..:).. cream cakes ftw..(dunno y i keep saying bout cream cakes dont even like them lol)
I've put on 2 1/2 stone so far! mmmm cream cakes and doritos.....

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