maybe pregnant and alone!

Missed this post earlier - so sorry. I hope that your test turns out the way that you want it to :hug:
Thanks for the replies. I did two tests last week. The first test was BFN. The second one was positive but the line was very faint but not sure if it was a evaporation line. It was a cheap test. I'll do another test next week with clearblue digital test when my next af supposed to be due. I've already missed one af though. I still feel sick at times/have been sick and period like cramps on and off but not painful as if af is coming and it's not plus running to the toilet more often plus other things.
My first preg test showed a really faint line and it didnt appear straight away so I was worried it was evap. I waited a few day and sure enough it was positive.

Good luck hun

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