maybe pregnant and alone!


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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Hi all,

I'm new to this site.

I'm taking a test tomorrow. I feel pregnant but don't know whether my hormones are playing tricks on me. I feel queasy, my boobs are so sore and comfortable in bras, lightheaded as if I need to lie down and go to sleep, dizzy, my appetite has increased even though I went off food at the beginning, mild cramps, heartburn and wanting to burp, wanting to go to the toilet all the time checking if af coming but no sign. I've had pink/brown spotting on and off then pink cm about a week ago. I'm 11 days late if I am late because I have irregular periods.

This is the bit I'm worrying about the most. Do I tell him if I am pregnant? Or not bother and have an abortion? If I don't continue with the pregnancy then what if it's my only chance to become a mum if I have an abortion. I don't think I could go through an abortion though if he told me to. I know there's the risks that go with it. If I find out I'm pregnant there's a possibility of me expecting twins. It would my first pregnancy if I am pregnant and would be a shock. I want to cry my eyes out writing this but it's all I can think about at the moment.
:wave: try and think about the furure after u have done the test. Are u late? Stress can knock ur cycles out and a lot of pregnancy symptoms mirror pre AF ones too :flower:
hope you get the result you want x
hey hun,

Sorry to hear you feeling like this, this is exactly how i was at the beggining of mine. Like Rowesb said, do your test first and go from there hun :D x
Good luck; my BF at the time cornered me into an abortion when I was 19 - it is something that I have never really got over; I wouldn't let anyone make a decision about my body ever again :(
If you are pregnant and you want this baby hun then stick to your guns. I did and my x walked out and left me...but i now see my baby as a blessin in disguise, it helped me to see what a D**k he is. Dont be pressured to do anything you don't want hun, its your body and 100% your decision.

Thanks for your replies.

I'm late because my last period was the 20th of last month. I've never been this late even if I have irregular af. Unless my hormones are unbalanced. I've never had these symptoms like this with af as it seems different. My boobs and back hurt more than anything else.

I think I will continue with the pregnancy if I am pregnant. I'm crying and shaking typing. I'm so scared. He's angry with me at the moment and I don't know what to do for the best. I don't know whether he'll come round. He already has a child from a previous relationship. It's so complicated.
i know exactly how you feel sweetheart!
im pregnant and not with the father of my baby, he wanted me to get an abortion too but i decided to keep and im so happy in doing so!
father of my baby also has a child from a previous relationship hopefully your fella will come round in the end
do whats best for you and baby okay!
i agree with the girls, go take a test and see from there :)
hope you get what results your looking for
I agree, wait for the test results then take the next step. But noone can make you have an abortion if you dont want one. Remember that its your body and you need to make decisions about yourself by yourself. Good luck & come on here to let us know the results. Good luck
I'm so glad I found this site. I'm so relieved that I'm not alone. I will let you all know the results tomorrow.

Thank you for your advice. You have all been so helpful.
Hi tessa123,

Hope everything works out how you want it to but don't make any rash decisions...
Use the people on here to help you - they are amazing at supporting you through anything!

Take care and let us know how you get on tomorrow x
Hi and welcome to the forum. Did you do the test today? Hope your ok x
yes and it's negative. It might be still too early though. It was the 14th of this month when we did the deed. I'll re-test in a another week or so to make sure if there's no sign of af still.
sorry you still dont have a straight answer hun. Fingers crossed for you. How are you feeling about it?
I feel relieved in a way that it's negative as the relationship is quite new. It's annoying just waiting to find out. I don't know whether there's something wrong with me. I would be devestated if I found out I couldn't have children.

Today, he has spoken to me, he said sorry and not much since. I haven't told him yet until I know for sure.
Good that he's not ignoring you anymore! How long are you going to wait to test again?
I'm going to re-test in about 2 weeks. I don't know whether my hormones are high enough yet. I'll go to my GP if there's no sign of af.
Thank you all for supporting me. I really do appreciate it.

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